Sexify App And Sexiguy App Real?: Netflix is back with season 2 of the Polish comedy-drama series Sexify, which was created by Agata Geri and Piotr Domalewski. This series follows the story of three college girls named Natalia, Monika, and Paulina, whose plan is to create an app that helps with female pleasure.

In this season, we see that they also created an app for men for the same purpose.

In this article, I will go over all of the details about the app, which is called Sexify for females and Sexiguy for males and is shown in this series, as well as tell you that it is available in real life for the person mentioned in this article.

After researching the internet about these types of apps, we found that the app that is used is entirely imaginary and is only used in this series. We see that Natalia in this series created the app Sexify, whose sole purpose is to tell this app your need, and it will help you to feel the organs where you feel that you need sex, and it helps to reduce and give pleasure without any help.

  • Sexify Season 2 Episode 2 Recap, Summary, Explained

Whereas the app Sexiguy is also fictional, it is created by Rafal in this series and serves a similar purpose to the app Sexify in that it helps men bring pleasure with any help and bring sexual desire so that they can do what they want.

  • Sexify Season 2 Episode 1 Recap, Summary & Ending Explained

This is all about the quality of the app that we see in this series; let me know in the comment box if you are planning to watch this show, whereas Sexify is now streaming on Netflix in English and Polish with subtitles



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