Sexify Season 2 Ep 2 Recap: Netflix’s Polish comedy series Sexify is back with a new season and the continuation of season 1. This comedy series was created by Kalia Alabrudzinska and Piotr Domalewski and follows the story of three college friends, Monika, Natalia, and Pauline, whose plans are to get a startup in college.

We see Natalia’s plan to create an app based on female organs, and Monika works as a person who talks to everyone about this app.

Must ReadSexify Season 2 Episode 1 Recap, Summary & Ending Explained

In this article, I will recap as well as explain the ending of Season 2, Episode 2, after where Episode 1 left off, where we see that their app is still waiting to launch as they didn’t have money to start it, which I will cover in all its details.


Season 2, Episode 2, picks up right where Episode 1 left off, with these girls needing a half million dollars to pay off their bills and relaunch their app. When Natalia tells Monika to ask her father for the money, she doesn’t need her father’s help, and then she goes to meet the rapper, but he wants her to be his wife, which she rejects, and we see they still weren’t able to manage the expenses.

After that, the scene shifts, where Natalia meets a top businesswoman in Polish, where she pitches her app, which she likes but wants some share of, and after that, she tells them to help with their expenses, which they waste making the app, but she needs more users to connect with it. As a result, Pauline pitched that they were working on a similar type of app for men to enjoy themselves, and she then explained and offered them everything they desired.

Later, we see that one man arrives for that sponsor to check the app details, where he tells us to fire some of the team members who are working on the app and who also wants all the details about their working methods.

where we see that he discovers that Pauline is unnecessary because her works are few, yet they waste money on her. On the other hand, we see Natalia and Pauline go to army bases to investigate the orgasmic process in men, how they maintain their sexual lives, and any other information that they desire.

The Ending: Is Monika removing Pauline from the app?

At the end of the episode, we see that the man from the sponsor also wants Pauline fired and tells Monika to fire her, but we later see that Monika leaves her hotel and comes to leave in the office of their app, where we find that Monika tells that man that she didn’t fire her and that the money she used will cover her lifestyle.

The scene change, where we see Pauline is dissatisfied with the answer they get from the army man, and the episode ends.

This is all about Season 2, Episode 2. If you like this show, let me know in the comments section, and in the next episode, we’ll see if they’re able to create an app for the men as well as more in the next episode.



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