Satsuki In ‘Burn The House Down’: Satsuki is the mother of Anzu. All and everything in this series starts with her. As people want to know more, we are going to discuss who player with an explanation of her character.

In the series the character Satsuki is played by Michiko Kichise.. she is a 48 years old Japanese actress & model. She did many movies & series. Some of her movies are ” Hirugao”(2017), “” signal The Movie “(2021), “Girls for keeps”(2012), “In his chart”(2011). She also did series like ” Bloody Monday” (2008-2010), “Liar Game “(2007-2010), “Boss'(2009-2011), “Nice Flight”(2022), etc.

Satsuki is the mother of Anzu & Yuzu. She is also the ex-wife of Osamu. She used to be a respectful lady without any jealousy. And then she met with Makiko. Satsuki used to love her child too as she knows Makiko is a single mother. Satsuki has no interest in money or anything. But after the fire burned down the house she take all the fault on her. That’s how Osamu divorced her and married Makiko.

On the other side Satsuki faced Alzheimer and stayed whole the life in a guilt that she forget to stop the stove. Later after she knows it’s Shinji who is behind that fire, she just forget her and then again stay back in her own life.

That’s all about Stasuki’s case if you have more questions you can ask in the comment section.



Love To Watch, Explain and Decode Films and Shows Since 2014. Chemical Engineer By Degree Cinephile by Choice. I Love to Watch Anime and Games Related shows.

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