Robert Ames CIA Agent: The latest Lifetime series, based on true events, debuted on the platform on May 19th, 2023. It follows the story of Imad Mughniyeh, a very clever terrorist who managed to hide from the CIA for almost two decades. The story depicts how the CIA works to finally catch him.

In this article, we are going to talk about Robert, the CIA agent at that time, whose role is being played by Dermot Mulroney in the series. So let’s get started.

Robert was born on March 6, 1934, in Philadelphia and was also raised there. In 1956, he graduated from La Salle University, where he also played on their basketball team and won many championships with them.

In the same year, 1956, he joined the US Army but later switched to the CIA. He was a very brave officer, which quickly led to his promotion to chief analyst in his area. Unfortunately, he was killed by a suicide bomber on April 18, 1983. This attack left the entire US shocked, killing more than 60 people, including many CIA officers.

The CIA chief said that losing such a brave officer felt like a personal loss for them. He is survived by his wife, Nancy Reagan, and his six children.

Robert Ames CIA Agent



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