Martha Ochoa In Griselda? Real Life: Griselda is an American biographical real-life crime thriller drama series that is based on the real-life story of Griselda. This show is directed by Andres Baiz and is written by Ingrid Escajeda the story of this show revolves around the female lead character named Griselda who moves to Miami with her three sons and leaves with her friend named Carmen she plans to grow her drug business their and more details which we see in this show.

In this article, I am going to cover all the details about the character named Martha Ochoa and I cover all the details along with who plays, what happened to her, and is her character is based on a real character, and more details about what we see in this article.

In this show, we find that Martha Ochoa is a very close friend of Griselda and they spend together a lot of time doing drugs and Griselda always supports Martha. The plot changes when Marta and Griselda plan to take control of the business without doing anything to Martha’s cousins.

After that, we see that one day Griselda and Martha enjoying a party in a pub and they both are high on drugs where Griselda tells her about Rafa and tells her to tell her brother to stop blaming her, and then, Martha climbs onto the sofa and start giving a speech but suddenly she falls and dies means in finale episode we see that Martha dies.

As compared to real life this character is also excited in real life but the plot is different and her death is not confirmed that how she died but some news suggests that Ochoa’s sister was kidnapped by the group of M-15 in November 1981 but official confirmation is not available to abut her plot.

In this show, Julieth Restrepo plays the role of Martha Ochoa and she is a Colombian model and actress. We have already seen her in different movies and series including La Promesa, A Mano Limpia, Deadland, At the End of the Spectra, and more.

Also Read: Carmen Gutierrez ‘Griselda’ Real Image, Life? | Where Is She Now? | Netflix

This is all the details about Martha Ochoa and I have covered all the details about that character in depth and more whereas let me know in the comment box how much you like this show.



An Engineer By Profession, Moviegeek By Passion. Been Watching and Reviewing Films and Shows From Last 7 Years. Action Movies are in my Blood and Covering the same from last 7 Years.