Poker Face Episode 6: Poker Face, the new Peacock Drama created by Rian Johnson starring Natasha Lyonne has just debuted on the streaming service. It is a “case of the week” mystery comedy-drama and consists of 10 Episodes out of which 4 have aired in the first week.

If you’re interested in what happened in the latest released sixth Episode, you’re at the right place.

Exit Stage Death Recap & Summary Explained

Charlie now finds herself in the midst of another murder, this time of a self-made millionaire Ava played by Jameela Jamil who has just married Michael who is an actor. Michael is approached by Kathleen, his old theatre partner and also someone he has a long enmity with for a play and while he says no to that at first, Ava convinces him to do that play not for her husband’s passion but for that acting bug to get cleared out by working with a nightmare of a director which is Kathleen and she makes clear to her on the D-Day.

Working with Kathleen is a nightmare for Michael as every decision that she makes or anything she does is what Michael does not like. Or that’s what we thought.

During the play, after the two, Michael and Kathleen do their first act they both are so fed up of each other that they rig the equipment where the other one was supposed to perform and, in that mix-up, a stage light falls in front of Michael and due to that shock, Ava runs to Michael with his blood pressure medicine and falls from Michael’s rigged stage on to the ground killing herself.

It turns out that both Kathleen and Michael plotted to kill Ava because they love each other and well, for the money as well, Now, as they find themselves devoid of any suspicions the two start to trend and that gets them the limelight they wanted for their stage play “Ghost Of Pensacola” for an encore the next night and that’s what it starts with but well, Charlie intervenes.

RecapPoker Face Episode 2: Recap & Summary Explained

Charlie had been working as a waiter at the theatre cum bar where she has been good friends with Phil, the stage manager who is beating himself up for Ava’s death as he was drunk on that night and Charlie somehow finds the stage checklist where Phil had checked that he had secured the light and the stage bolt which starts her suspicions to act out.

Now, it’s not only Charlie who starts to have suspicions but the other actor, who is playing their kid in the play who accuses the two of what they did with proof and Kathleen then tries to kill her with Peanut Butter since she’s allergic to it.

It isn’t until Charlie’s amazing investigation and her instant response on the stage as the “Ghost Of Pensacola” (hilarious by the way) that she is able to save that girl and when the stage ends, she is also able to help the cops catch the two on tape confessing to the crime until it was too late to realize that they did.

However, that does not stop them from giving the best performance of their life which even makes Charlie cry as she watches that performance.

Episode 6 is currently streaming on Peacock.



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