Modern Love Chennai Episode 5: “Modern Love Chennai” is an Indian adaptation of the famous American anthology series “Modern Love.” “Modern Love Chennai” is a six-episode anthology series that defines love stories around the city of Chennai.

“Gazelles that live in a Bird’s Nest” is a love story about a married guy and how his wife accepted their relationship. We have already covered the first 4 episode recap of the show and You can also check that.

The story starts one day when Rohini is returning to the Metro. She sits near a guy and suddenly her phone rings. However, that guy takes her phone and answers it. His name is Ravi, and coincidentally, they both have the same ringtone, which causes confusion. Very soon, they meet again on the Metro and start talking to each other.

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This is how the love between Rohini and Ravi begins. They start calling each other and enter into a beautiful relationship. However, Ravi is a family guy with two children, but he still loves her.

Seeing the situation, Ravi decides to inform his wife, Revathi, about their relationship. One day, they discuss it, and Revathi accepts their relationship. She also invites Rohini into their house. Revathi accepts them both but asks what they will tell their children. Soon, Ravi’s father arrives, and he is not ready to accept the relationship, asking Ravi to change his mind. But Ravi is deeply in love with Rohini, so he is unable to change his mind. After a lot of discussions, Rohini stays there and they have dinner.

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Although Revathi accepts their relationship, she still feels broken inside. Thinking about this, she finally decides not to take her children with her and wants to leave them with Ravi. Revathi wants to be a friend to Rohini and wishes for both of them to start a new life. Rohini sees a world where Ravi loves his children deeply, and she becomes a part of this family. Rohini, who was lonely in her life, finally finds happiness on the other side as Revathi fills her loneliness. Soon, Ravi and Rohini start their own life, and the children accept them through a story.

Revathi gets a new job but still visits them once every two weeks. The episode ends when Revathi is coming home after meeting her children. While on the bus, she gets lost in the past, where she finds Ravi asking her for a book to finish, and that’s how she falls in love with him.

It’s a sweet story about a housewife accepting her husband’s love for another woman. This is another good episode, but it’s a little bit boring. You can also connect with Revathi and feel her silence and see how Rohini changes after getting a new life.



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