Carmen Gutierrez ‘Griselda’ Real Image: Griselda is an American biographical crime thriller, drug-based show based on the real-life story of Griselda. This show is directed by Andres Baiz and written by Doug Miro and Ingrid Escajeda. The plot of this show revolves around Griselda and how she begins her new journey in Miami, trafficking cocaine in that place, and becoming the lord of cocaine, and more, which we see in this show.

In this article, I am going to cover all the details about a lead character named Carmen, where I cover how she is connected with Griselda and if she is in real life, and more about her in this article.

As the show progresses, we see that she helps Griselda after she kills her husband, Alberto, where she takes help from Carmen and asks her to live in Miami. Carmen plans to stay at her house, where we find that Carmen owns a travel agency. She helps Griselda to work in her place, but she finds that Griselda starts selling drugs using her office. Then, she tells her to quit this job, and she is not interested in the drug issue again.

After that, we find that Griselda asks for help from her old friend to start selling drugs or cocaine in Miami. She asks for help with many girls, and for tickets, they take help from Carmen’s agency to set up more tickets. In that way, she helps her friend, but later she agrees to help her. But, in real life, we find that no character like her helps her in the setup of her drug cartel in Miami. There are high chances that the character is fictional character as there is no data on her.

In this show, Vanessa Ferlito plays the role of Carmen Gutierrez, and we already see her in different popular movies and series that include Graceland, Julie & Julia, Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail, and more.

Also Read About: ‘Griselda’ Netflix Review

These are all the details about Carmen, where I cover all the details in this article in-depth, whether she is in real life or not. Let me know how much you like this show in the comment box.



An Engineer By Profession, Moviegeek By Passion. Been Watching and Reviewing Films and Shows From Last 7 Years. Action Movies are in my Blood and Covering the same from last 7 Years.