Kohrra Season 2 Release Date (Kohra Series): Netflix India present the Crime Thriller investigation series ” Kohrra” which is currently streaming now in Netflix in Hindi, English, and Punjabi language along with subtitles.

As people want to know about the second season of this series coming or not. we are going to discuss it in this article, but before this let’s have a quick overview of the story. The series set in a remote village of Punjab where a body of a NRI boy is found in between the field. Two police officers Balbir Singh & Garundi Started to Investigation of the dead body and soon they discovered the hidden truth about the murder.

The story started with the investigation of Paul’s death & Liam’s missing. Inspector Balbir Singh with Inspector Garundi started an investigation into this case. They started interrogating to Veera, who was supposed to be the wife of Paul then Saakar who used to love Veera too much. As Saakar can’t accept Paul, he threatened him, on the other side Paul wants to say to Veera that he loves Liam but is unable to say to her. Liam can’t accept it,so he killed Paul. This is how Paul died.

And to find out Liam they reached to Shinda who hit Liam with his truck. This is how the whole investigation ended. Surprisingly, Liam’s mother Clara knows everything about who killed Paul but she remained silent the whole series and tries to search for her own son.

The series finished with Garundi’s Marriage. Veera found a new groom from Canada, Saakar becomes a rockstar & Shinde is in jail. Also, Balbir’s daughter Nimrat started a new life with Karan. That’s how all the pieces are placed perfectly. So, there are no chance of coming a second season of ” Kohrra”.

But, the two main characters of the series Baljeet & Garundi is still alive. And it Will be very interesting to see them together again in a new case. So, we can say the second season is depending on the views of Season 1. If everything goes well we might see a second season with a new case. We can’t confirm because Netflix has officially not renewed it yet.

Also Read: Kohrra Ending Explained: Who Killed Paul? | Balbir Dead Or Alive?

So, stay with us for any official updates till then watch & enjoy ” Kohrra” streaming now on Netflix.



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