Javier Alfredo Where Is He Now?, Image: Netflix’s original Spanish Survival Drama movie “Society of the Snow” is currently streaming on Netflix in Hindi, English, along with subtitles. The movie is based on the plane crash incident that happened in 1972.

Forty people were trapped in the Andean Mountain Range. Among these, only 16 people survived after fighting for 61 days. Javier Methol & Jose Luis Inciarte are among them.

Before starting the discussion, let’s have a quick understanding of the story of this movie. The movie depicts the horrible incident of the 1972 plane crash in the Andean Mountain range. In this accident, 16 people survived. The movie shows their journey and their hard work.

In the movie, the character of “Javier Methol” is played by Esteban Bigliardi. He has acted in movies like “Murder Me, Monster (2018)” and “La flor” (2018).

Javier Alfredo Methol Abal, born in December 1935, went with his friends to Santiago. But their plane crashed in the Andean Mountain Range. Forty people survived the crash landing, but later, only 16 people survived till the last. Javier Alfredo is among them.

He was in the plane along with his wife and cousin. His cousin Francisco Abal died immediately after the crash, and later, his wife Liliano Navarro also died. He survived for a long time after returning from the Andean but not till June 4, 2015, at the age of 79, he died in Uruguay because of Cancer.

Also Read: Antonio Vizintin Real Image, Where Is He Now? | Andes Plane Crash

That’s all about Javier Methol; he died at the age of 79 years after surviving the horrible plane crash incident. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comment section.



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