James Barrier Buffalo Jim (Real Image) : Netflix released a Documentary titled “Unsolved Mysteries: Death in a Vegas Motel” that focuses on the death of the former Wrestler James “Buffalo Jim” Barrier who was found dead in a motel on April 2008.

James was a father to 4 daughters out of which 2 lived with him. Described as a larger-than-life personality, he was loved by many and was working as a Wrestling Promoter and running a successful auto shop, His death and how he died poses a different question as to how did it happen and there are some interesting theories about it that were discussed in the show.

James was found dead in a motel lying naked from the waist down after the housekeeper found him unresponsive at 1:10 PM on April 6, 2008. She had come by a few times prior but found him lying so she assumed James was asleep.

As per the show, James had white power on his beard and shirt and after the investigation, the cause of death was ruled as dilated cardiomyopathy, with cocaine intoxication contributing.

James’s family was not satisfied with the investigation and was adamant that something else was at play here and that James was a victim of foul play that opened up about his long running feud with Rick Rizzolo who was his landlord and owned a neighboring strip club. Both of them started having problems when Rick wanted James to vacate so he could extend the strip club.

Jim claimed that his cars were being vandalized and a harassment claim was filed in 2002 against Rick. Meanwhile, Rick was being investigated for having Mob ties and when he plead guilty for the counts of fraud, he was sent to 1 year and a day in prison for which he only served 10 months, being released the day before James died.

James had been receiving letters that the Rizzolo family has been meeting and planning attacks on him and asked him to be careful, also stating that they will use a woman to get to him. The family learned that James was with a woman named Lisa shortly before his death who gave conflicting answers during the investigation.

When asked by James’ family, she claimed that she didn’t know him but during the investigation, she said that they had been friends for the last 10 years and she left when James was having a seizure.

Ultimately, with all the evidence in the investigation, the case was not pursued as a homicide. However, the family did not feel the same way. The matter of Buffalo Jim’s death remains a mystery till now.



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