I’m Virgo Episode 3: Will Flora really love Cootie? And what happened to Scat? As we discuss the episode-wise recap, let’s talk about Episode 3. We are covering the Episode wise recap of the show and You can also check Episode 1 and Episode 2 Recap for better Connection and Understanding.

This episode starts with Cootie and Flora dating. On the other side, a superhero comes to stop Jones from working to help poor people in eviction defense. But Cootie loves The Superhero. The NYC buffet is the best destination for Cootie and Flora. They chat about food, as Flora has a great interest in it.

Here we discover that Flora has some mysterious abilities or powers, which scientifically may be classified as “Continuous Chronic Seizures” in children. But it’s not that; it’s just a strange ability of hers. It happens whenever she senses something bad. So Flora is just faster than others, which makes her different. Later, Cootie gets ready for a second date and informs his friend about it. Cootie has an itching problem, and he takes care of it.

He becomes fresh and uses deodorant to meet with Flora. Their date becomes hilariously romantic. Flora writes everything possible in her notebooks, and although it often shows bad things, there are still some good things in it. This episode also explores Scat’s imagination, which is very strange.

He also has a huge interest in comics. While enjoying himself, he falls off his bike and sees something stuck in his belly, but no blood comes out. His phone is also broken, and he has no one to help him. Lying at a bus stop, he sees blood coming out. Finally, Felix finds him and rescues him. In front of the hospital, Scat is nearly dying of his weird imagination.

This is how Episode 3 ends, with Scat dying in front of a hospital. Let’s see what will happen next.



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