Luis empanadas are not famous locally but later became so popular. What’s the reason behind it? Prime Video presents ” The Horror of Dolores Roach” which is currently streaming now in Amazon Prime Video with English and Hindi audio along with subtitles.

Before discussing this topic let’s have a quick recap of the story of this series. This series is about Dolores Roach, who was framed by her boyfriend and went to 16 years imprisonment. After returning to Washington Heights she found the city completely changed, but she met with old friend Luis and Started a new journey.

Luis has a food stall named “Empanasa Loca “. His food wasn’t accepted by the people of the town. He used to throw all of this food into the dustbin Because it aren’t sold. But, one day he found a dead body in his room. He used that dead body’s flesh in his empanadas. As he knows that, storing a dead body could be dangerous so he used to sell his empanadas for free. Soon after soon, people who eat those for free are coming into the stall to buy more empanadas.

This is how Dolores Roach killed people and Luis used their flesh for his food. As he demands that, those empanadas are so special that not available in the whole world. This is how his food stall became soo famous as people are loving to eat those empanadas without knowing the real truth of their taste.

Also Read: How Dolores Roach Turned Into A Serial Killer? Explained!

Hope your question is cleared. If you have any queries left feel free to ask in the comment section.



Love To Watch, Explain and Decode Films and Shows Since 2014. Chemical Engineer By Degree Cinephile by Choice. I Love to Watch Anime and Games Related shows.

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