Directed by award-winning director Allen Hughes, the docu-series is about the popular American Hip Hop artist Tupac and his mother. His mother became the voice of black people in the 70s, fighting for their rights while pregnant with her son. Later, her son, a famous rapper, carried on her legacy. In this article, we are going to discuss the real-life characters shown in the series, and one of them is Gobi M. Rahimi. So let’s get started.

Gobi is a popular American writer, producer, and director. He has been in the industry for the last 18 years and has credits in over 360 movies and TV series. He is also a music lover and has produced and directed many songs and albums for artists like Yoko Ono, Snoop Dogg, and Tupac in the early stages of his career. Unfortunately, Tupac died in a shoot-out while traveling in his car at the peak of his career.

Rahimi created the 3DX film festival in Singapore and Hong Kong, which became very popular and attracted the attention of companies like Disney, DreamWorks, and FOX studios. Currently, he is busy with a film project that shows us the last seven days before the death of the rapper Tupac. The film is going to be released soon and is titled “7Dayz.” As there is no official information about the film, the name could change before its release.



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