Dream Movie Review: Korean Sports Drama comedy film ” Dream” is currently streaming now in Netflix with Hindi, English, and Korean language along with subtitles. The film starring with Park Seo-Joon, IU, and Lee Hyun- woo in the lead roles along with other. This 120 minutes long movie is a joy ride that you can enjoy along with your family & kids.

The film started with Yoon Hong-Dae a young soccer player of the Korean team. A journalist had an argument with him in a match. Because that journalist made some ugly comments about his mother so later he punched that journalist. After this incident, huge criticism started about him. To resolve his character image The director of the sport management team sent him to lead some Homeless men for the ” Homeless Football World Cup” tournament. There he also met with a girl named So-Min Lee, she wants to make a documentary on those homeless men’s teams and their journey to the world cup.

So-Min Lee actually a struggling director who is trying to pay off her student loans so that’s why she wants to make this documentary. Will Those Homeless people really win the World Cup & fulfill their dreams? Can Yoon Hong-Dae really fix his image? So-Min Lee’s documentary will be popular at all? To know all of these answers you have to watch Full Movie on Netflix.

Park Seo-Joon is amazing in his role as Yoon Hong-Dae. He used to be a rude player but later became a cranky coach. His evolution being a good coach who really wants to see his player to win was quite good enough. On the other side IU as So-Min Lee also shines in her role. But, all those actors in the role of Homeless men such as Lee Hyun-Woo as Kim In-Sun, Ko Chang-Seok as Jeon Hyo-Bong, and Kim Jong-Soo as Kim Hwan-Dong Jeon perfect in their roles.

This is a funky sports-drama movie. All the Homeless man have their own life and their life journey as unsuccessful men to a player of the National team Make this movie a perfect film. Sports wasn’t shown too much as it mainly focused on drama but the last few minutes are still too much effective. In the end, I can say this movie will not bore you and hooked you till the last.

The story is good enough to watch. So, I will give it 3 out of 5 stars. It’s a movie about some people who are running towards achieving their “Dreams”. After all, It will not waste your time instead it can lift up your mood.



Love To Watch, Explain and Decode Films and Shows Since 2014. Chemical Engineer By Degree Cinephile by Choice. I Love to Watch Anime and Games Related shows.