“Constellation” Episode 4: Apple Original presents an eight-episodic American sci-fi series ” Constellation” is currently streaming now on the platform with only three episodes, the rest will come weekly. In this episode, we are going to discuss the recap of episode 4. Before starting it let’s have a quick recap of the story of this series. This is a story about a female astronaut Joe, after returning back from space she is facing lots of unreal things. Let’s see what is exactly happening with her.

This episode also started in a snowy forest in Sweden. But this time Alice is with her father Magnus & Jo is with them. They reached into the same cottage that we saw earlier. Magnus assured her that her mother would not be here & she would never gonna see her again. Same place but the characters are totally different.

Back into the present where Alive & Magnus give a birthday party to Jo. They had a good time and then Jo went to set the cupboard. She thought that Magnus moved the cupboard but He said he didn’t. Later Magnus asked her why don’t really leave things in a very satisfactory way just like before she went to the space. Jo is unable to understand what actually Magnus wants to say because she thinks things are very casual between them but Magnus thinks that things are just changing. Later Magnus asks her if she loves him or not & Jo replies of course.

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Later she woke up to some space visions. She felt some emptiness in her whole house. Then looks at the Piano with a sheet that mentions ” Rachmaninoff piece”. “European Space Agency”, Cologne, Germany. Jo reached there. She got a warm welcome party from the staff & also Frederic saw a present there applauding. But Henry is presented too looking closely at her.

“Constellation” Episode 4 Summary

Late in the night. Jo is spending time with her daughter Alice. They are watching personal belongings. Jo is talking into Swedish but the girl never understood her. Magnus repairing a furniture & Jo asks him why he is upset. Magnus said to her that there are rumours going on about Jo having an affair with friend Frederic.

Jo denied this because she had nothing like this. He also said when Jo went into the space he met with a person. He thought that Jo would leave him so that’s why he met another girl & did one kiss. Jo expressed how much she loved him & always thinks about returning to Earth. Listening to this from Magnus she is surprised. Later, he went after Alice called him.

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Next, we see, Henry writing something on a whiteboard. He wrote ” Stress, trauma” & ” Lithium VII” and circled it. After thinking some time he also wrote ” Death in Space”. We are unable to understand exact meaning but it looks like when a spaceman takes ” Lithium VII ” because of Stress & trauma he/she could probably face death.

Previously we saw Henry throw off someone from the cruise this is probably another Henry who is actually known as Bud. He wakes up on the cruise after hearing Chiming. After that, he went to meet with Ian Rogers (whom he threw off from the cruise it looks like he forgot what he had done). He knocked into his room & a man came out & informed him to go to the main hall for an Emergency briefing. The board of the ship turned and made a call in Santa Barbara about yesterday night’s incident. Soon, we see the FBI is coming there & Buds is checking the CCTV camera present there.

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The FBI is watching Bud. Bud called his daughter & mentioned, ” It’s not working”. But they tell her that he has some illness. She also said if he has an episode, he must take some pills. Bud then threw a bottle of pills. later we see Bud playing golf & then he meets Agent Bright from the FBI. The agent asked that he meet with Rogers last night when he was doing his dinner.

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He said he would drop in Santa Barbara soon as the FBI thought that he might throw Rogers into the sea. But, Bud said he can’t able to lift his shoulder past 45 degrees since he crashed his plane in Korea. He said he is an astronaut so he will never do such things. Later Agent Bright saw the CCTV camera of Bud & Rogers. Suddenly turns into a weird pattern which is exactly like the same pattern that we see from the CAL experiment.

Later we see Jo go to a therapist informing her about her hallucinations & visions. She talks about colour confusion & also there is a piano that she saw but she doesn’t know how to use it. She said that she got the visuals of Paul. The therapist said she got the symptoms of PTSD. She wants to try a dexamethasone suppression test & see the cortisol level of Jo. She also gives her Lithium for her present condition. As Lithium is a psychotic drug so doesn’t want to take it. She also said she is not depressed right now but the therapist tell her that it will comfort her.

After leaving there she met with Henry who invited her to see CAL. Henry said he kept running it & now on the edge of something. But she didn’t remember too much about CAL. But, he invited her to see it. Henry looking at her condition mentioned his friends who are facing the same issues like the smell of burning toast, hallucinations etc. he thinks all of these cases are casual after returning from the space. Right then she saw the board of Henry where he circled ” Lithium 7″.

Henry said hallucinations is common when a person goes to a high altitude. It was pretty common back then for colleagues to report a powerful force passing down on one of the wings of the aircraft above 90,000 feet, which they called it ” the left hand of the God”. He also mentioned how a man saw his dead child alert him again & again. Right after that CAL restarted & after hearing this high-pitched noise she got a headache with some visions of space. After that Henry talked with a professor at MIT. HE SAID that at the centre of the CAL is a chamber containing a gas of Rubidium atoms around it is an arrangement of lasers, and electromagnets.

The MIT teacher after seeing the image of CAL said “It’s an interference effect”. Looking at the data picture he said it’s a ” Child’s picture of an owl or something”. The professor said he might have seen a false image & he thought that the experiment had gone wrong. Henry said the image is about how the observant watches it. So, it’s a case of observer effect so only he can watch it.

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Later we see Alice in her school holding that same necklace we are seeing from previous episodes. She acts too weird & speaks about death and accidents. The teacher called Jo & Magnus because of Alice’s recent behaviour. They also said Alice sometimes hides in cupboards. while talking with the teacher Sarah Jo noticed Magnus & Sarah closely. They are completing each other’s incomplete lines. She thinks might be she the one whom He dated. Magnus said she is his colleague & Alice’s teacher.

Later Jo when went to meet Alice in the Cupboard at night. She saw that necklace again & got stuck. Later Alice came out & talked face-to-face with her mother. Jo suggests she go to a cabin in Sweden. Jo asked her that is she happy or not after her comeback but Alice said she didn’t know & felt disappointed. Later in the middle of the night, we see Jo playing Piano with Rachmaninoff. She felt amazed inside while playing it because she couldn’t understand how she was able to play it.

Looking at the pills Jo was reminded that it’s the same pills that she used to take in the space so all contained the same Lithium-7. She went to the ESA lab and tested both new & new pills. She tasted both pills in an observer machine & saw that both of these contained the same, serotonin inhibitor which is Lithium 7. Remembered the pill she got after coming from space a yellow pill known as ” Vitamin B”. She went to her office as fast as possible & saw the reports about the Astronauts who got the medicines.

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She found that her fellow astronauts all got ” Vitamin A” but only she got ” Vitamin B”. She also checked past reports where all of them mostly got Vitamin A but few got ” Vitamin B”. She got the names of those who are taking ” Vitamin B”, the first name she got was Amanda Clein, an astronaut who saw angles in space. She also found the name ” Henry Caldera” too. Most of these men are space hallucinations & went up to crazy later. The whole scene was crazy when we saw some of the workers entered in her office. We saw that Jo could watch them but they didn’t. From the Worker’s POV, we got a bluish tone where no one is present but Jo can see them clearly which is in a Yellow tone. Remembered the Yellow pill that she was actually taking.

The Ending

She tried to leave the lab as soon as possible. She saw Henry there talking in front of a computer. She knocked but he didn’t reply. But we see that Henry is just talking with his own reflection. He later moved his head in the direction where Jo was standing and called “Curious killed the cat”. Jo was unable to believe what was going on so she left . The next day she met with Frederic. He talked about the things have changed & he also said that he Wants her like before. He wants her to serve out the contracts here & go private. Oh! Well, he is might be talking about their relationship so Jo is not aware of it. He is also talking about moving to California.

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We later see she went into Alice’s school to give a lecture about her experience in the space. There we also see Magnus & Sarah whispering at the back. Talking with the students Jo suddenly said ” Is it you?” Then the whole class became amazed & students started gossiping & Alice felt embarrassed too And they left school. She started to drive the car while Alice asked if she was playing a song or not. But Jo replied in Swedish that it distracts her. Meantime, she drove the car & got visions of the solace. She got some terrible headache & almost in front of an accident.

After that, Frederic comes into their house about rehab clinics. He told to Magnus that this condition is known as ” astronaut burnout ‘. He wants to take Jo into the have centres but Magnus doesn’t let her go. Later, Magnus also asks him about his affairs with Jo, and Magnus agrees it. At this moment Jo entered the room where Magnus asked her about this affair but Jo said she had forgotten anything about the affair. Later Magnus & Jo ordered Frederic to leave the house immediately. Jo tried to convince her husband about not remembering anything about the affair but the relationship got worse.

Then she found a yellow package marine observatory in Denmark. It consists of a cassette, a letter & a transcript. It consists of two recordings first, when Jo was on the ISS on October 15th & other one is about the dead body of a female cosmonaut. Recordings are not clear that’s why they sent this transcript.
Jo heard it some distorted voices that were breaking continuously.

Right then, Alice comes there because she wants to find her father. She comes down and sees lots of people in black clothes as they are mourning the death of Alice’s mother Jo. It looks like little Alice was transported into some different verse, where her mother died instead of Paul. She also saw her different variant & started screaming soon things were in a past situation as Jo came & hugged her.

Later Magnus takes her & tucked into the cupboard. Jo insists on doing it but Alice wants this because she is afraid of their mother. Later Magnus wants her to take the pills but Jo says they are antipsychotic. Magnus said he knows it & she must take it. Magnus is afraid of the situation of Jo so he thinks to call Frederic & insist she to the check-up facility. But Jo said she was okay they were both fighting & Magnus fell down & his head was hit.

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Lastly, we saw the picture in the Swedish cottage. The picture looks like more different & horrible now, like it was in the first episodes. That’s how this episode ended. The whole shoe is getting crazier as it looks like some different verses are colliding with each other. You can watch all four episodes of ” Constellation” which is currently streaming now on Apple TV with English language along with subtitles.



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