Class Of 09 Review: FX Originals presents an eight-episode American crime drama series that is currently streaming two episodes on Hulu, with the remaining episodes to be released on a weekly basis. The series is based on the FBI Batch of 2009, focusing on how they were selected as officers and the circumstances they faced in the process. In the first two episodes, we are introduced to two characters, Ashley Poet and Tayo Micheles.

The series is divided into three timelines: 2009, which covers the past stories of the lead characters and how they joined the FBI team; 2023, which covers the present story of what they are facing after becoming CBI officers; and 2034, which is set in a future world where AI is controlling the US justice system.

In the first episode, we see Ashley Poet in three different times, starting as a nurse and then joining the FBI. In the present timeline, she becomes a CBI officer and joins a secret group, later revealing their conspiracy. In the future time of 2034, she is skilled with new technologies, but she is unaware that the CBI is secretly monitoring her. She is appointed to a mission to find Amos Garcia, but CBI encounters him in front of Ashley. During the encounter, Amos gives a keycard to Ashley, and we still do not know what was on it.

In the second episode, we learn about Tayo Micheles and the racism he faced. He also encountered many problems in the fitness training system. In the present timeline, he is appointed to a mission with Agent Nunez to talk to Mr. Mark Tupirik. Later, he discovers that Mark is planning to eliminate CBI officers with his own big army. We must find out how Tayo tackles Mark’s attack in the present timeline. In the future of 2034, he becomes the director of the FBI and is very ambitious about his profession.

The two episodes are a bit slow-paced as the story is in its building stage, and many questions remain unanswered. With its different timelines, the series will grip you until the end of the episode. The acting of all the actors and actresses is perfectly executed. Kate Mara and Brian Tyree Henry are totally perfect in their roles as Ashley Poet and Tayo Micheles, respectively.

All the supporting cast members also did an excellent job. Let’s wait for the remaining episodes to learn more about this series. If you have any queries, feel free to ask them in the comment section.


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