Class of 09 Episode 2 : Hulu Original Show class Of 09 is now streaming on the Platform with First two episodes. Like every show we are covering the episode wise recap of the show and here Goes the episode 2 recap of the show. For better understanding, Please go through the Episode 1 Recap of the show.

Everything is now in the building stage as we show the three different timelines. It’s getting so much more interesting. Before we know about other things, let’s know why Amos gave that Keycard to Ashley. In case you missed this episode, let’s discuss a short recap of this episode.

This episode started in the past timeline of 2009, where Tayo was in his lockup room. Later he joined others for a fitness test, but he didn’t pass the running portion. One day, Ashley helped Tayo with fitness training. A racial problem between Tayo and Simons occurred. Tayo later told Ashley that when he was 15 years old, driving to the movies, the police arrested him. That officer was the first person who hit him in his life.

After this, the last fitness training happened, where Tayo failed again. Later, he spoke about the retake of the fitness test in seven weeks. Teachers accepted his offer and gave him seven weeks.

Back to the present timeline of 2023, this timeline also starred Tayo Michaels. He is with Agent Nunez, driving on a snowy road. Later they went to talk with Mr. Mark Tupirik in his palace in an icy area. Mark Tupirik has a wife named Jessa Mae. Later they talked with Mark, and he told them about the country’s “The Suicide Belt” system, where thousands of men, alone in their farms, cut off from their country, had attempted suicide more than six times. So, Mark helped them into their house.

Nunez went to the restroom with Jessa and found a secret basement where Mark is planning on attacking Tayo Michaels. It looks like Jessa wants to leave this place with Nunez. When Jessa was talking to Nunez, she was shot. Lots of fires and guns were shot, but Tayo and Nunez somehow managed to leave that place. Unfortunately, they were trapped in the snow.

Later, Nunez kept all those men of Mark into false fire, and Tayo killed them with a sniper. Nunez died and informed Tayo about the basement. When Tayo reached there, he found a fire in the whole basement. He also found a secret passage in the basement, from which Mark Tupirik left that palace. After the incident, when he was in the hospital, his wife came and met him. Agent Nunez was fine. After that, Tayo informed that Mr. Mark Tupirik is planning to attack the FBI with a big army.

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Let’s go back to the future timeline of 2034. Ashley met with Daniel, and they discussed their current lives. Daniel is now teaching in Quantico. Ashley informed him that the Bureau is watching her. She knew agents were waiting outside the apartment when Amos showed up, and he killed them. So, Ashley told about the keycard that Amos gave her. Daniel said only Nazari could understand these keycards. But, it’s been nine years since Ashley and Nazari last spoke. In another scene, we saw Tayo talking with a Senator about inexplicable arrests. So, it looks like Tayo Michaels is very ambitious about his world.

Episode 2 becomes quite interesting, but it still hasn’t revealed what was on that keycard that Amos gave to Ashley. And how is the FBI going to defend against Mr. Mark Tupirik’s attack? This is how episode 2 ended by building a huge story. Let’s wait for Episode 3.



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