‘Boy Swallows Universe’ Episode 4 Recap: Boy Swallows Universe is an American crime thriller drama series and is based on the novel by Trent Dalton and plot of this show is considered similar to the novel and follows the story around Eli and his family and we also see how his mother ends in drug abuse and what Eli do to save his mother from all that stuff, which we see in this show.

In the last scene of episode 3, we see that at the final scene, we see that Eli goes to meet Robert and finds that he needs some help from Caityln and more where in this article I am going tell everything about episode 4 and I will cover all the details in depth.

In episode 4 of this show where we see that Eli sends a letter to Bermuda, he finds the letter and informs him about his present scenario and tells about his father named Gus and about his imagination and talks about his mother and his father Robert and more details about her stuff in details to him in letter.

After that, we see that he says that his father saved his mother’s life but not he turns into a drunk man and feels bored his classmates bully Eli and pour sauce on his body and face and Gus tells him to teach him a lesson but he wants to learn how to fight and bullies all the person who bullies him and Gus reveals about his prediction.

When we see the scene about Frankie and how she is adjusting to life in prison and she is in big trouble the detective does not allow her to meet with anyone as he is under the control of someone where she writes a letter to her sons but never receive and we see that Eli request Robert to tell her with him but he refuses to meet her in prison.

The Scene shifts, and we find that Caitlyn still following Eli’s story and meets with Tim for more information about his family issue where we see that Robert is having an attack and is able to save his children and we find that Ivan is in cahoots and he is a person who kidnapped Lyle and cut his leg which we see in the last of episode 3

At the last of this episode, we see that Eli plans to meet his mother but suddenly Robert feels an emergency and takes him to the hospital where Eli finds Slim and asks him to sell equipment to prison so that his mother can escape the prison and we finds that Slim is suffering from cancer and is in stage 4 of cancer and only fewer months is only available but suddenly suffers a heart attack and died and the episode ends.

This is all the details about episode 4 where I have covered the recap, plot details, and ending of this episode let me know in the comment box how excited you are for this show.

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