‘Boy Swallows Universe’ Episode 1: ‘Boy Swallows Universe’ is an American coming-to-age comedy-drama series which is based on the biographical novel of Trent Dalton this show follows the the lead child named Eli who is 12 years old and this show mainly focuses on the plot of this family.

In this article, I am going to recap episode 1 of this show and i will cover all the details in depth which will clear all the details in the show.

Episode 1 of this show titled, “Boy Smells Rat”, begins with a group of attackers entering insider Bell’s house and abducting Lyle, Eli’s mother’s boyfriend we find that they demand something and the scene shifts to six weeks early we see that Lyle is having a driving lesson with Slim who serves his time in prison for murder where we see that Slim tells Eli to start writing letters to Alex.

After that, we see that Slim also helps Eli and Gus when they are not at home where we see that his teacher believes that his trauma helps the mother’s trauma Gus never accepts to share anything where he is mentally disabled and Eli still writes his letter to Alex and tell him all the details about her day.

The Scene shifts, and we see Alex also replies to Eli’s letters sometimes and inform him about the deal and more where Alex tells him to deal with the bullies of the people where we see that Eli runs out of Darren as she steals the lab rats in the school laboratory where he still and Eli tells the teachers about the plot.

At the end of this episode, we see that Eli doesn’t like his mother’s boyfriend as he introduced her mother to drugs after that, she is in sober with drug and she starts doing drugs again and Gus takes Eli to their basement as there is a tunnel and he is waiting for a phone call and on the other phone user gives him three chance to guess her name.

After that, we see that Eli follows Lyle and meets with Darren who is the school bully and hints that there is a phone from Ivan Kroll and Darren’s mother and Eli is not able to run out and he is the main dealer of drugs and we see that there a strange man who is camping outside Eli’s house and episode ends.

Also Read: Boy Swallows Universe Ending Explained

This is all the details about this episode where i will cover all the details about this episode and let me know in the comment box how much you like this show.



An Engineer By Profession, Moviegeek By Passion. Been Watching and Reviewing Films and Shows From Last 7 Years. Action Movies are in my Blood and Covering the same from last 7 Years.