Alexander The Making Of God Season 2 Release Date: Netflix presents a historical documentary series called ‘Alexander: The Making of god’. The series showcases one of the prominent battles and victories of ancient kingdoms. The most important life part of Alexander, the ancient king of Macedonia, was discussed in this show.

Alexander the Making of god premiered on January 31, 2024. The show has six episodes with a duration of nearly forty minutes on each episode. The show had a good reception among historical fans and documentary fans.

The production value of this show was pretty much higher than the other documentary shows, which were released by Netflix recently. The periodic backgrounds and outfits caused quite a big production value for the show.

The show completely focused on the life of Alexander the Great. He was known as the Son of Zeus. He was considered as a living god on ancient history. He was a great king and a strong warrior. His journey of conquering the Persian empire is the core plot of this show. The show started with the death of Alexander’s father and former king of Macedonia.

Later, Alexander took his position as the true king of Macedonia. During his conquering stage, he got focused on the wealthiest and nourishing country Egypt. He considered it as the sole source of vast number of minerals and supplies. He was crowned as the ruler of Egypt later, which is accepted by the people of the kingdom. After his enlightenment of being son of Amun, he got promoted as the living God of Egypt.

The finale ended with the death of the former king of the largest Persian Empire, Darius. One of the greatest achievements of Alexander the great happened when he conquered the Persian Empire. King Darius got murdered by his subordinate Bessus. Later, Alexander gave an honorable funeral to the former king of Persia. This is how the story ended on the sixth and final episode of the show.

The second season for ‘Alexander the Making of God hasn’t been announced by Netflix officially yet. Still, there are rumors that they might consider a second part for this historical documentary show. There’s another rumor too also floating around social media.

Netflix didn’t consider taking a second season for this show, they premiered this show as a mini-documentary series with just six episodes, so the chances of getting a second season are too low. Let’s wait for an official announcement from the makers soon.


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