Who Started the Fire in “The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart”?: Amazon Prime presents a Mystery-Drama series, “The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart,” currently streaming on Prime Video along with Hindi and English audio and subtitles.

Before discussing this question, let’s get to know the story of this series. The series is all about Alice Hart, who slowly uncovers mysteries about her family and Thornfield, a mysterious flower farm.

Initially, Alice thought she was the reason behind the fire and even claimed responsibility for it. However, later, the secrets are revealed that it wasn’t Alice but her mother who was responsible for that fire. Alice’s mother, Agnes Hart, claimed that one day, little Alice accidentally set fire to the small hut, which was Clem’s workshop.

Upon returning home and seeing the fire, Clem became furious and tried to kill his own daughter. At that moment, Agnes intervened, hitting him, and setting the whole house on fire. At the time, Alice was unconscious, so she didn’t know who was behind the fire and started claiming responsibility.

I hope your questions are now answered. If you have more questions, please feel free to ask.



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