“Griselda” Ending Explained: Griselda is an American biographical crime thriller drama web show and is based on the real-life story of Griselda. This show is directed by Andres Baiz and is written by Doug Miro & Ingrid Escajeda the plot of this show follows a lead character named Griselda and we find that she is being stabbed with a knife and calls her friend Carmen for help in her living in Miami where she helps and Griseda begins her journey from there which we see in this show.

In this article, I am going to cover all the details about the finale episode whereas this episode was created by Doug Miro & Ingrid Escajeda and I will cover all the important details about the finale and more in detail.


The finale episode of this show titled, “Adios, Miami” begins where we see Griselda enjoying a party with Marta and they are high on cocaine where they talk about Rafa whose plan is to kill Griselda and she tells her to tell Rafa that they convince him and make her partner. Where we see that Marta is in full of drugs and climbs onto the sofa and starts talking like a speech and she tells about Rafa and her cousin but she falls on the table and dies.

After her death, she calls Rivi to help her in this situation where he cleans this mess and tells her that Rafa and her cousin will take this situation as a crime and she feels feared and he calm her and she plans to steal the cocaine from Marta’s house before her cousin find about this and after heist they want to leave but Rafa arrives but hopefully able to escape from back door.

The scene shifts, Griselda is in hurray and reaches home and tells her sons to pack their things as they are about to leave this place at midnight and she calls Dario where he says that he is not able to make it and took his son before leaving and they leaves and plans is to escape from the family of Ochoe and Rafa orders whoever finds Griselda then he will pays 1 million to them and she able to escape to California.

Ending Explained

We see that the police are investigating about Griselda and ask the question with Carmen where she says that she didn’t have any information about her and the murder and we find that she turns herself into the police before Rafa’s men find her and kill her where she tells Rivi to take care of her sons and she left and police manages to arrest her and sentenced to prison where she promises with the children and left.

The final scene shifts to 7 years later, where we see that she is released from prison and June is there to meet her where she tells her that her sons are being attacked and Dixon was killed and her only son that is living is Micheal and is living with her grandmother in Medellin and she also tells everything details about her enemy and the show ends, where we see that she wants to Medellin by sadly killed by the unknown person on September 2012 and show ends.

This is all the details about the finale episode where I have covered all the details and plot of this episode which clears your doubt about the ending of this show let me know in the comment how much you enjoy this show.

Also Read: Griselda Season 2 Release Date – Renewed Or Cancelled?



An Engineer By Profession, Moviegeek By Passion. Been Watching and Reviewing Films and Shows From Last 7 Years. Action Movies are in my Blood and Covering the same from last 7 Years.