Twisted Metal Episode 4: They both are on the road at night. John is a talkative guy & busy in talking with Quiet. Suddenly some big trucks are came and captured them. Then she met Watts, she take them into the Convoy. So, those big trucks opened each side and connected it and made you a big place where people live, enjoy and do parties. They have every essential & non-essential thing also. Then they met with Granny, whi asked him for a delivery for this she will supply what he wants .

So, they both Started for a new journey on the location where Granny suggested them to go. They reached in a house met Amber instead of a pharmacist. Amber offered them tea, which paralyzed them. Amber thought they must be holy men, so started interrogating them why they kill Convoy’s Milkman. John said he was just a replacement a d Granny is so she wants medicine.

So, Amber is actually the Pharmacist, Granny requests John & Quiet to meet with her and take medicine for her cure. After that when they leave from there some holy man followed them so they hide in the theatre. Quiet never saw any theatre, so John started a movie in that abandoned theatre. Later in the night, they both watched movies with popcorn. Quiet said she used to see Movies with her brother .

After the movie finished they went back to Granny and handover those medicines which is just a bunch of flowers. Watts said it will not save her it just makes her happy. So, Granny gifts a diary to John and opened page of 22 written: ” A Drive Through”. Granny is from old time she handed over leadership to Watts and said her to take care of everyone.

An old woman finally died in her car with those flowers in her hand. The people abandoned her in her car and then blasted it. That’s very weird after that they did a party.
Lastly, we saw Watts in her car called Amber, she might be her loved one. On the other side, John & Quiet are coming together. John suggested Quiet to stay in the cargo as she wants this life.
But soon they left.

An emotional sense which developed personal relationships. And they started their journey again.

Also, Read Next Episode: Twisted Metal Episode 5: Recap, and Ending Explained



Love To Watch, Explain and Decode Films and Shows Since 2014. Chemical Engineer By Degree Cinephile by Choice. I Love to Watch Anime and Games Related shows.