The Order Season 2 Netflix Ending: Netflix’s supernatural teen drama – The order recently released it’s season 2 and fans are going Gaga over it. The series continues to ride on the supernatural saga with many new characters arriving.

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Season 1 of the show ended on a shocking note and season 2 also does that with some extra shock material Some people were left confused about the ending so let’s clear it out.

The Order Season 2 Plot

If you remember that in season 1’s ending all the clues pointed towards Vera Stone who many of us thought that Vera might be the next season’s main antagonist right? But no that’s not the case here in 2nd season. We also thought that the Knights of Saint Christopher will be trouble for the Order.

But after a few episodes, it becomes clear that the knights don’t have a motive of going against the order and thus are in a way more friendly towards the order. Initially, it also seemed that the Sons of Prometheus will pose a threat, as they were introduced to the audience as a cult that seemingly was more dangerous than the Order of Blue Rose. But the order soon learns that the real danger is not the Sons but another group called Praxis.

What is Praxis?

In the Order, we have seen that all the societies are adamant of following one goal which is to keep the magic secret. But Praxis doesn’t believe in that. It doesn’t want to keep anything secret from anyone, it doesn’t want that magic should be limited to some people and to the selected ones. But instead, it believes giving power to everyone else and making magic popular where most of the people don’t even know it’s existence. The aim of Praxis is to give power to every person on the planet so that they can be helped. The idea is met with criticism from many other societies.

Praxis start to deal with the situation in their own way. We see that to make-believe in their theory, they will go to any length. We see that a rogue magician tries to put some violent spells on college students. The new ethics professor Cameron Foley is also part of that society. To prevent harm, The order and the knights pursue him and every time they go against praxis they get defeated severely.

It genuinely seems that Praxis knows what is about to happen somehow because they always come prepared for the fight. But this theory doesn’t look good because Foley seems like a man who is not capable of doing something as complex as this.

The Order’s suspicion gets cleared up when they realize that not Foley but the actual leader of Praxis is a woman named Salvador Grant. She seems like a normal lady but is very cunning and actually has some useful skills. She is an amazing orator and holds the capability to make other people believe in her cause, she also uses this to get Alyssa on her side. Just because she is that skilled the order figures out on how the praxis has managed to stay one step ahead of them. We see that Grant uses a bit of necromancy to look into the future and to make notes on how a situation is going to end, if it is not going their way, they make significant changes in their plan. Using her skill she finds out about the Knights robbing the Order using a demon, and uses the same trick to rob them as well as the Sons of Prometheus.

It is established then that she is exceptionally experienced at her magic and on top of that she is a werewolf. Knights believe that the secret of her power might be because she wears Midnight, which was stolen from the archives of The Order, but then they find that she actually is wearing Alpha, alpha was actually supposed to be lost and disappeared throughout the history. But finally, the mystery around Alpha was in front of them.

The Order Season 2, The Ending

Salvador starts giving magic to random people with Alyssa by her side. This seems good at first but soon they realize that this little charity of theirs has created an imbalance in the energy of magic. It is then known that magic performed without any sacrifice will lead to a tear in the magic system and every time new magic is performed like that the tear increases.

To solve this Vera and Salvador set up a meeting to solve the matters by talking. Salvador demands Foris Factorum which will allow her to give magic to the people who cannot do sacrifices to use it. Vera is strongly against this notion as this is a very powerful incantation and can go horribly wrong if misused, she can’t agree with Salvador’s demands neither she can deny her because it will be harmful to the people. The place of their meeting was bounded by a spell and after reaching nowhere Salvador tries to kill Vera who instead kills her.

This incident angers Alyssa to a point that she starts to become offensive so that Vera will give the incantation but Vera is adamant of not doing it, hence Alyssa takes away Vera’s ability to do magic and Vera is convinced to give the incantation by Hamish who actually wants her help in bringing back Lilith. Vera agrees and meets Alyssa where the Alyssa helps her seal an opening in the fabric of space and time, but Vera also warns her about the trickery of Foris Factorum.

Soon, the knights open the gate to hell to bring back Lilith who seems different than before. It is deduced that she might not be Lilith and a demon who entered her body or maybe hell changed her mind and soul. In the meantime, Gabrielle gets possessed by Midnight who wants payback from Silverback but decides to not kill Jack after seeing that he is more controlled than the previous owners of the hide.

Therefore after their deal is finished Midnight attacks Alyssa and the only person who can save her is Vera, because she doesn’t have magic she cannot, just when Alyssa is about to give her the powers She dies. In the end, we see jack carrying her body into the woods along with the Vade Marcum.


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