Episode 7 ended with a bang. General Abbott is coming again. What happened next? Who will win this last fight? As we are discussing episode-wise recaps, let’s discuss the recap of episode 8. It started with Dr. Aditya Singh who found a purple flower and tried to see things as Gus did.

He saw that Gus was taken to the middle of a snowy place near a cave. After that scene, we got no clue about it, but we hope to find out in the next season. After coming out of the hallucination, he took out a small part of the antler and smiled. It looks like there is really something special about Gus’s antlers. Because of this, Singh saw some things or dreams that might come true.

Also ReadNetflix’s “Sweet Tooth” Season 2 Episode 6 Ending Explained

And then, it continues from where episode 7 ended. Tiger said how everybody in the Animal Army died. On the other side, Johnny is fed up with seeing his brother’s work. He was trying to leave, but Abbott fibbed him. And again, he forcefully went with his brother General Abbott to attack Yellowstone.

Becky is emotionally broken by losing her armies. Aimee said to take care of all the children to Becky. Without Gus, everybody left that place with Becky. Gus, Jepperd, and Aimee placed all traps in the forest. During planning, Gus came to know that Aimee is infected. After that, by playing with fire, Gus told the General and his armies about the location.

On the other side, Becky found Mr. & Mrs. Anderson and said that Gus sent them. That couple helped them to hide. General reached Yellowstone and found smoke. Surprisingly, Johnny pointed a gun at General Abbott and said that there is no cure and don’t hurt the children. But his speech and plan failed because the gun he pointed toward General Abbott had no ammo. After that, General Abbott shot him. Johnny died with some good humanity inside him, but every contribution of his will be remembered. General Abbott and his army moved. But Gus, Jepperd, and Aimee killed them one by one.

On the other side, Wendy is not listening to Becky because she wants to help her mom. Wendy managed to trick Becky and left her there. And finally, General Abbott appears. He found Jepperd in front of him. Abbott managed to leave somehow. When Wendy is in the forest, she is captured by one army.

But Becky arrives and saves her. During the fight between Becky and the army, Wendy found a necklace of her childhood photos with Becky. Becky said the animal army formed to save and find her little sister. Aimee fully tried to kill General Abbott but failed. Abbott captured her, but she informed him that she is infected.

Gus left that cottage, but General Abbott shot him in the leg. Jepperd also reached there but was unable to save Gus because Gus was the target of Abbott. But a miracle happened; a bison came and attacked Abbott. It looks like they helped Gus and saved him. Finally, Wendy hugged Becky. Wendy came to Aimee. But near the end, when Gus was trying to go near Big Man Jepperd, General Abbott shot Gus, and blood came up. Don’t lose hope. In the end, everybody said goodbye to Aimee.

Yes, Little Gus is alive, but he is badly injured. Becky is now with her sister, Wendy. Gus was dream walking in a snowy place when he found a cave. When he reached there, he saw his mom, Birdie, who said two words: “Help Me.” Wendy and Becky found out where Aimee is now, and they are ready to go with Gus and Jepperd to Alaska to find Birdie, named “Agvagniavik.”

In the end, we saw Aditya Singh reach the cottage where they were. He already knew that Gus is a special boy and found out where they are going. Also, we saw Ms. Zhang cutting meat when a guy informed her that Abbot is dead, and they found a cassette of Aditya Singh about the record of the Cure, which he found from “Miller Chicken.” Season 2 ended when Ms. Zhang fed those meats to some mysterious creatures in a closed box.


This is how season 2 of Sweet Tooth ended. This season had a more engaging story, and lots of secrets unfolded. In this season, the main antagonist of Seasons 1 & 2, General Abbott, finally died. But the story continues because Gus and his team, Big Man Jepperd, Wendy, and Becky, are ready for a new adventure to Alaska to find Birdie. However, it also ended with Ms. Zhang feeding some mysterious creatures. So, there are lots of things that are going to happen in the next season.

Till then, watch and enjoy season 2; it’s available on Netflix with Hindi, English audio, along with subtitles.



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