Sixty Minutes Movie Review: Sixty Minutes is a recently released Netflix original German thriller survival crime sports drama film, which is available to stream on Netflix in multiple languages, including Hindi, for Indian audiences with multilanguage subtitles.

The movie is performing extremely well on Netflix. I have just completed this film and am going to give you a detailed review of the Netflix original film Sixty Minutes. We will discuss points like story, action sequences, and much more about Sixty Minutes.

The story of the film revolves around the life of Octavia, who is a boxer. He has to fight a match with a deadly opponent, Benko. However, he gets out from the fight club because he has to celebrate his daughter’s birthday; otherwise, his ex will file a case for custody of his daughter. So, Octa ran to his daughter, but no one was understanding what Octa was going through.

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Octa’s friend, Paul, needed so much money. Because of that, he put Octa in the boxing ring. After that, some goons were behind him; one of them is Chino, who bet a lot of money on Octa. So, this is the plot of the film. We won’t tell you the whole story. If you have already seen the film, do check out our recap of Sixty Minutes. The title of the movie is Sixty Minutes because he has to reach his daughter, Leonie, to celebrate her birthday, and the time limit he had was 60 minutes.

Cinematography and Action Choreography

We have seen far better action choreography in this recently released Netflix German film. The fight scenes, like the bar scene, the road, and car scene in the film, were totally outstanding. The action cinematography was fantastic throughout the film. Cinematography like running shots, car shots, and also the drone shots were fabulous.

Negative Points

The story of the film wasn’t up to the mark. We mean the length could be more, and there should be more thrill. If you have seen thriller survival films, then there is nothing for you in this movie. You can easily predict the whole storyline.

Age Rating

The movie is certified with an A rating on Netflix, but there was nothing in the film that makes this movie an adult-rated film. There are a few cuss words in the film, and no skin shows or adult scenes are there in this film. If you are okay with just a few abusive words, you can watch it with your families.

Final Verdict

Overall 2.5/5
Action – 3/5

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I’m Mohit, a passionate Cinebuff writer and IT student with a knack for storytelling. I love using my skills to create engaging and informative content that helps people discover new movies and shows and learn more about the industry. When I’m not writing, I’m usually coding or playing video games.