HBO and BBC join production Rain Dogs has released their last Episode of the season titled “This is not an exit”. Rain Dogs tells the story of Costello, a single mother blessed with the world’s best daughter Iris who is understanding and caring.

She also has a toxic relationship with Selby, a mentally unwell person who shares the same amount of love for Iris as Costello. However, things do not go as planned after Episode 3 and Selby admits himself in the mental asylum for treatment in Episode 7 after Costello loses her book deal and starts to drink again after being sober for nearly a year and a half, Iris calls Selby and asks him to come there.

At the end of Episode 7, we see Selby checking himself out of the mental asylum and coming to Costello. Here’s what happens in the Season Finale.

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Selby who checks himself out of the mental asylum is not coming alone. He takes Gloria who is pregnant and Lenny who is, well old. He knows that Costello would love to see them, especially when she’s having a hard time. He takes the two of them to meet Costello and on the way, they talk about life in the multiple pitstops for Lenny because he can’t control his bladder.

Costello, on the other hand, is unaware of Selby coming there and is asked by Iris to be normal and not even make her a promise to do so and just try. Costello is heartbroken because she thinks that Iris does not deserve a mother like her and decides to take her life. But before she could do that, she goes to try another time for the debt collector gig where she fails miserably again after she lets her partner get beaten up by the lenders and she gets fired after that.

Costello asks her neighbor to take Iris for the night and give her dinner followed by leaving a voicemail for Selby asking him to take Iris in and care for her. When Selby hears that, he rushes to Sunset Park where Costello lives.

Finding Costello passed out with three bottles and pills, he helps her vomit out the pills and after that’s done, she finds herself talking with Selby near the shore where Selby tells her how much Iris and he need her. After that, he pitches the idea of living with Costello again but this time she asks him a question if this is going to be any different than the last time, and with Selby looking at her, the Episode ends.

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It is fair to assume that Selby and Costello start to live together again because why not. Obviously, they have a messed up and toxic relationship but they cannot live without each other and even if Costello says no to Selby, he’s going to come up with something utterly charming that would make Costello say yes.


Rain Dogs Season 1 is currently streaming on HBO in English.



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