Palthu Janwar Review: Palthu Janwar is another addition to the wholesome content revolving around animals which is quite understandable by the title of the movie. It Starring Basil Joseph as the lead actor who gets forced upon the job of a livestock inspector in a panchayat after his animation start-up fails.

Reluctant Prasoon comes to work but identifies that he’s prey to a lot of politics and tries to leave but is sent back again after his sister makes him realize the reality of what this means. If we were to summarize the film in small words, it’s about a guy who feels like he’s not following his passion but finds a hidden love for animals when he surrounds himself with them.

Palthu Janwar is not all happy wholesome entertainment but it also has a couple of dark moments where Prasoon mistakenly gives the wrong dosage to a Police Dog who shows fast recovery but dies later for which Prasoon complains.

It’s Prasoon’s reaction at that time that it’s just a dog that makes us question if he really likes this job or not for which he realizes towards the end what his job really meant when he successfully delivers the baby calf to Molly The Cow and it brings redemption to Prasoon as he realizes that he loves animals and what his job brings to him is the happiness.

All in all, Palthu Janwar is a cute, heartwarming tale of a guy who doesn’t feel like life is going his way but guesses life had other plans for him and he let life take over and didn’t leave which tells us a great life lesson as well, which we’ll leave it for you to discover for yourselves. Palthu Janwar is a great watch.

Final Verdict: 3/5



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