Orakas Tribes Andaman: Netflix Original Series Kaala Paani is now streaming with 7 episodes on Netflix. All episodes are around 1 hour long, and they are available to watch in Hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu, and some other dubbed versions.

The story of the show revolves around a disease, ‘LHF 27,’ which spreads throughout the Andaman Island. The authorities started taking proper measures to prevent the disease, and the show tells you all about that. While watching the show, you will get to hear the term ‘Orakas.’ Here we are going to tell you about the Orakas tribes – Are they real, and is the LHF-27 disease real or not?

Now, coming to the topic of whether Orakas tribes are real or not, the direct answer is no. The tribes are not real; there are no tribes named ‘Orakas’ that exist or ever existed in Andaman. The name used in the show is a fictional name and doesn’t directly represent any tribe in the past.

Upon doing some research, you may get to know about the Sentinelese tribes, who are world-famous for their violent nature. The Sentinelese tribe lives in the northern part of the Andaman Island, and till now, they are not connected to the modern world. If anyone ever tries to connect with them, they kill them with bows and arrows. I am mentioning this tribe because there are high chance that the character of Orakas tribe is similar to this real tribe in Andaman, and there are high chances that the fictional Orakas tribes are inspired by these real-life Sentinelese tribes, as they show lots of similarities.

Now, jumping to another topic, is LHF 27 a real disease or not? No, LHF 27 is not a real disease; it is again a fictional disease set in 2027.

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We hope this article clears all your doubts related to the Orakas Tribes. If you have any questions related to the show, please let us know in the comments.



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