Little Violet Ledger in “Queen Charlotte A Bridgerton Story”:  In the series we also see young Lady Violet Ledger with her parents. She act as a supporting Character in this series with very few scenes.

Though she had a very few scenes in this series , people wants to know about her, so are going to discuss about her and also do character explainatons in series” Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story “.

In the series Young Violet Ledger is played by Connie Jenkins-Greig. She is a 19 years old English Actress. However ” Bridgerton” is her first series,she did few movies some of them are ” The Take Down”(2017) , “Solitary”(2020),”The Kid Who would be the King “(2019), ” The Dead Collectors”(2021),”Love Without Walls”(2023).

There are very few scenes of Young Violet Ledger. She is very intelligent girl with Big heart. In the series we Saw her inspired her Dad Lord Ledger for making a hat for his love ” Agatha”. Later little Violet Ledger turns to Lady Violet Bridgerton and met with lady Agatha Danbury where she found that hat, made by her father.

This is all about Lady Violet Ledger. If you have doubt feel free to ask in the comment section.



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