John Oliver dissects Law & Order: HBO’s Last Week Tonight is back again after its 2-week hiatus with more jokes and taunts and it did start that way, talking about the queen who died of “Natural Causes” and how Chile’s Prime Minister’s speech was disturbed by a kid driving a bicycle wearing a Superman costume but the main story came out a lot different that we are used to.

John talked about LAW & Order, one of TV’s Most Famous shows that have been going on for more than a decade with more than 5 spin-offs. For people that are not aware, Law & Order is about cops solving crimes and upholding the Law & Order, that’s it. The show is so much famous that it has had cameos from a lot of famous celebrities, lawyers, and even US current president Joe Biden.

What was concerning about the show that John wanted to mention and talk about is the show’s portrayal that every case that comes to the cops, gets solved and cops stop at nothing to get justice which is sort of misleading considering the Police situation in the United States where we’ve heard about cases of Police Brutality, shootings and a lot more.

The show is portraying the universe where every cop is trying to do their job to the best according to Law & Order but it is not true every time and that is not being shown by the show.

Law & Order, however not portray the reality of how Police cases have been good and helpful to society by getting the smaller details right like specific laws, jargon, and crime scene procedures but at the same time, the end product or the big picture of the show distorts the full image that it really is and that is concerning to see.

Law & Order has done some good work in terms of people getting more aware and feeling less alone because the characters connect with them and at the same time, the show is highly entertaining but some Episodes are based on real incidents and if the show does not mirror the real world and how the Police do not always end up catching the criminal, the wrong message is getting embedded into the brains of the people who have been watching this show that has more than 1200 Episodes.


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