Dead Shot (2023) Movie Summary & Ending Explained: The new action thriller drama is now streaming on HBO and VOD. The story is about Michael, whose wife was shot by the British army while she was pregnant. He is now in London to take revenge for her murder. In this article, we will provide a summary and explain the ending of the movie. However, this article contains heavy spoilers, so if you want to watch the movie first, you can. For the rest of you, let’s get started.

The story begins with Michael driving home because his wife, Carol, is about to give birth to their baby. After seeing him, she is happy but notices a gun in his hand.

Michael assures her that it is for their safety, as he no longer works for Keenan, who seems to be a bad guy. They start driving to the hospital but on the way, Michael notices a broken branch of a tree. He is now sure that an armored vehicle has passed from there. Carol advises him to hide in the bushes, but he is not willing to leave her. She insists, and he goes to hide there. As soon as he goes there, a vehicle full of soldiers surrounds the car, and one of them shoots Carol dead. Michael watches from there and decides to take revenge for her death.

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Michael used to work in the Irish army, but he left because he wanted to spend more time with his family. He came to know that the soldier who shot his wife is in London, so he goes there to take his revenge.

The Ending


After his action, the British Army arrested Henry, who shot Carol. But he said that it was an accident. They were going to arrest Michael, and he thought that Michael was also hiding in the car. When they reached there, Carol jumped out due to labor pain she was having.

Henry thought that she must be armed and going to attack her, so he accidentally shot her. He had no intention of shooting a pregnant woman, but he was still suspended from the army. Later, a man named Holland hired him to work for him. We later find out that Holland is actually making a team of sharpshooters from the British army to work with him to clean the Irish forces (IRA) from London.

On the other hand, Keenan, the chief of IRA, is also a cunning man. When Michael came to him for help, he said that Michael had to prove himself first to take revenge. Michael knows that his intentions are not good but agreed because he wants to take revenge somehow.

As soon as he reaches London, he sees Ruth, Henry’s lover, who runs a small clothes shop in the market. He almost goes to kill her but stops at the last moment because he doesn’t want to take the life of an innocent and runs away from there.


In the end, when Henry came to know about the incident that Michael almost killed his girlfriend, he tracked him down. Michael was at the beach waiting to go back to his country when Henry reached there and started chasing him, shooting him with his gun.

Henry finally catches him, where he tells him that he was extremely sorry for shooting his wife. Michael died after being shot multiple times by him. After a few years, Ruth is pregnant, and they are living happily. But one day, Henry is shot by a sniper, and it turns out that it was Michael’s friend, Twomey, who shot him. The movie ends.



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