Criminal Code Episode 1: Netflix’s original Brazilian crime thriller show ‘Criminal Code’ is now streaming on Netflix. We are going to cover the Episode-wise recap of the series and here is the Episode 1 recap and ending Explanation of the show.

Benício, a Brazilian cop who is unofficially investigating his friend’s death case. Benicio’s friend Santos was a police officer who died in a shootout in the Foz prison. Twenty-five prisoners escaped from the prison, and one of them killed Santos. Benício got the name of a criminal who might have killed Santos, so he started investigating on his own.

Sullen, a female police officer who recently became a mother, asked her chief that she wanted to become Benício’s partner, and the chief approved it. In the night, a criminal gang with military-grade weapons attacked a bank in Paraguay. Benicio heard the news and thinks it’s the same gang that escaped from the Brazilian prison.

The next day, Sullen was appointed as Benicio’s partner, and the two were assigned to solve a crime. Benicio didn’t want to do that, so he misguided Sullen and traveled to a different place. Sullen wasn’t fooled, so she asked him where they are actually going. Benicio told Sullen that he got a lead about those escaped prisoners, and according to him, they are also involved in the Paraguay bank heist. Benicio asked Sullen to go to Rocha, Itaipulandia. There is a hidden port in Rocha, which no one uses, and these criminals use it now.

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Itaipulandia is between Paraguay and Brazil borders. Benicio and Sullen went to the hidden port; they didn’t find anyone but suddenly heard a ship coming to the port. Sullen and Benicio hid behind a tree and saw criminals coming out of those ships. They had lots of weapons and money they stole from the bank. Benicio and Sullen left the place as they don’t have the manpower to fight them.

Criminal Code
Criminal Code

The criminals also left that place. Benicio and Sullen accidentally crossed paths with them, resulting in a shootout. Benicio and Sullen saved themselves and told the police to send force. The criminals separated and went on their own way; some of them got killed by the Brazilian police, and some of them successfully escaped. Four criminals hijacked a passenger van. One of them ate a sausage from a hostage. They went to the nearest bus station, which was in São Miguel. They left all their weapons in the van and didn’t take any hostages.

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Benicio and Sullen got to know about it, so they told the police to check the bus station and send their force there. Benicio and Sullen checked a bus where they found a suspicious guy; Sullen asked him if he had any bags. The guy denied, so Sullen asked everyone to take their bags. One bag was left, which Sullen opened and saw money in it. Sullen and Benicio took the bag and the guy to the police station. The guy is actually the same guy who ate the sausage in the van.

The police also arrested another suspected man from the bus station. The police checked their fingerprints to see if they are criminals. One fingerprint matched a criminal they arrested in the bus station. Rossi, the Brazilian police chief now, sent the Forensic team to São Miguel where the criminals left the van and gun. The officers didn’t find any fingerprints from guns as the police touched them, but they found one fingerprint from the half-eaten sausage. The sausage fingerprint also matched a criminal who escaped from the Foz Prison.

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That fingerprint gave the power to investigate the heist case as the criminals were escaped from Foz prison. Sullen and Benicio interrogated a person who the police took from the bus station. Benicio shared the person’s photo in the police group to find any criminal records. Rossi told them to leave him, as it’s been 12 hours, and they can’t interrogate anyone for more than 12 hours. Sullen and Benicio interrogated him but didn’t find anything; in the end, they had to leave him.

An undercover police officer saw the photo of the person in a WhatsApp group and called Rossi. Rossi asked Sullen and Benicio if the guy was still in custody. Rossi told them that the guy is Soulless, who escaped from Foz prison and might have killed Santos.



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