The Big Bet has made its way to the streaming platform with a stellar cast of Choi Min-Sik, Son Suk-Ku, and Lee Dong-hwi telling the story of a Casino Mogul who ends up tangled in a murder case.

Who has lived his life making bets and rose the popularity from the ground, what will be do or make his choices when he’s faced with the ultimate bet of his life?

Three Episodes of the series have dropped on the streaming giant Disney Hotstar, The Episodes tell us the story of Moosik right from his childhood, how his parents were leading up to his arrest for the murder of Seokjun-min.

The first three Episodes move into 3 different timelines, one of his childhood, the second of his teenage years, and the third when he became a distinguished English Teacher and had his own academy, and started opening Casinos.

Episode 2 Recap- Does Moosik get arrested for Tax Evasion?

The second Episode shows more about how Moosik started to get into opening the casinos and how his childhood experience all came into use. His friend comes to Moosik for help but then both of them start getting the idea to open their casino for that, they take a short trip to understand the ins and outs and after they open their casino, they start earning a lot.

So much so that they get spotted by the NTS (National Tax Service) who start to investigate them for not paying their taxes.

Moosik’s business partner Chiyoung gets called in for investigation while Moosik runs away to the Philippines leaving his wife and son there. He soon meets his childhood friends there who help him get settled there and meets Seokjun-min in Purviu Hotel who works there. However, Moosik starts to play baccarat there and soon he loses all of his money.

The gambling was so bad that he even got to borrowing money from other people but still he kept losing and, in the end, ended up losing the only apartment he had as well. He later finds out that his father had died in Korea and is asked by his wife to return to Korea to attend the funeral.

RecapBig Bet Episode 1 Recap, Summary & Ending Explained

On the other hand, Chiyoung is the one who gets the blame and is prosecuted for tax evasion and gets a really big fine and 5 years of prison.



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