Ash In ‘Wilderness’: Since we have discussed Liv, it’s necessary to talk about Ash. We came to know about this character in the recently launched Amazon series “Wilderness,” which is currently streaming in Hindi and English audio with subtitles.

Ash’s character is portrayed by the 25-year-old American actress Morgana Van Peebles, who is actually the daughter of Mario Van Peebles. She has recently started her acting career, and some of her movies include “We the Party” (2012) and “You’re Killing Me” (2023). “Wilderness” marks her debut series.

Although it’s Morgana’s debut series, her character “Ash” has a relatively small role. Ash is actually the love interest of Liv. She has always admired Liv’s love, but Liv initially ignored her advances. However, for Liv, Ash is her one and only comfort zone. When Liv discovers numerous lies from her husband Will, she decides to move on with Ash.

Towards the end of the series, we see that Liv has an intimate moment with Ash, signifying that Liv has accepted her. It’s challenging to define Liv’s true feelings, but it’s evident that Ash has always loved her. Finally, at the end of the series, Ash and Liv decide to stay together.

This covers everything about Ash. If you have any remaining questions, please feel free to ask in the comments section.



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