A Shop For Killers Episode 6: Disney presents an action thriller Korean drama with ten episodes. The story revolves around a girl named Ji An; she gets stuck in her house after the sudden unexpected attacks of unknown people after the death of her uncle. Being the next heir of an underworld weapon organization, how Ji An survives and manages to control the killer’s shopping mall is the rest of the plot.

The sixth episode starts with a flashback from fourteen years back, during the time when Jinman was working for the country. He had a Korean unit packed for a rescue mission in a foreign country. His team includes Bale, Seongjo, and a young soldier. During the mission, they killed a lot of enemies. Bale has a bit serious attitude; he never cares about people’s emotions. Bale killed some civilians during the mission, and the young soldier witnessed everything.

Bale thought that the soldier would inform the authorities or Jinman about the killing, so Bale killed the young soldier himself. When Jinman arrived at the spot, the young soldier was already murdered. Suddenly a kid entered the room with a gun in his hands, Jinman ordered them to wait for a minute, but suddenly Bale took his gun and shot the kid.

The foreign country took custody of Bale for killing their civilians. But Jinman saved him from getting jailed. The team went back to Korea; Jinman was angry and worried about the worst incidents that happened during the last mission. Jinman requested his boss to remove Bale from his team. Even after his boss removed him, he then again added him for a big upcoming mission. The boss conveyed to Jinman that he had no choice but to accept the Higher-ups orders to put Bale on the new mission. The new mission had no connection with civilians, so Jinman shouldn’t have to be worried about Bale’s presence.

Jinman, Bale, and the team went to Laos for the mission. They were told to bring a few unarmed people back to the country, but Bale killed one of the men with a knife brutally without any hesitation. He was behaving like a sociopath; he was addicted to killing people in cold blood. He chose to be in this work due to his mental addiction to killing people in brutality. Meanwhile, Jinman captured a man named Tao, who had been chosen to be sent back to Korea.

They had orders to blast the place after the mission; before that, Bale saw a few woman slaves at the spot. Bale wants to kill those slaves; he puts a grenade into their room, and four women got murdered. Jinman saw Minhye for the first time; he helped her to escape. Bale caught him in action. Bale and Jinman fought against each other badly; Minhye shot Bale in his eyes and left Bale alone in the house and blasted it with bombs.

The sixth episode ends with Jinman retiring from the mercenary unit. He and his team burn Bale’s things and officially separate. Jinman’s boss was not at all happy with Jinman’s decision, and he asked others to follow Jinman. Jinman, after leaving the office, goes back to his home to meet his family. In a post-credit scene, Seongjo was doing a hunting; suddenly a man with a mask appears; it was Bale. He didn’t die in the bomb blast at Laos.

More Episode Recaps From The Show;

  1. A Shop For Killers Episode 1 Recap and Explained
  2. A Shop For Killers Episode 2 Recap and Explained
  3. A Shop For Killers Episode 3 Recap, and Explained
  4. A Shop For Killers Episode 4 Recap, and Explained



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