Candian Tv show Wong & Winchester episode 1 is now available to watch on the Citytv website and Tv channel, the show is a crime detective show and each episode has a different story, here we are going to tell you about the review and the recap of episode 1 of the show.

The Tv series stars  Grace Lynn Kung as Marissa Wong An Ex-cop who is Working as a Private Investigator Now, Th show also stars Sofia Banzhaf as Sarah Winchester, A New University Graduate, who is assisting Wong, episode 1 is around 40 Minutes long and here goes the Recap and ending Explanation of the show.

The story of the show looks pretty Old and it is simple, There are no box thrills or chills in episode 1, the Acting is Pretty decent and Sofia was brilliant in the show, The Climax and pretty much predictable, but still if you are looking for any light web show, you can watch the Episode 1 of the show on Citytv. We are going with 2.5/5 for the show.

Now Jumping to the recap of the show, before you read further, let me remind you, If you haven’t seen the show yet, Please stop reading from here, as the Recap contains spoilers.

So, episode 1 of the show starts with a small Case where wong has to find out about an extramarital affair case when she finishes the case, She asks for a thrilling and big case and here she got the case of ‘Harold’ Murder. Wong was hired by ‘Gladdy’ (Their lover of Harold) to investigate the case, reports claim that Harold died of a Natural Heart Attack but Gallady thinks that there is some foul Play.

When Wong reaches the Place of Investigation, She found out that Harold is Very old and he may die of Natural death, Gladdy shows a threatening Note in which Someone has threatened to Kill her if she investigates Harold’s Murder. Wong thinks that the Note was written by Gladdy herself and there is no foul Play in the Harold Murder.

Sarah Winchester, The assistant of Wong reminds her that, Gladdy Can’t write anything on Paper as she is suffering from arthritis, So there is a chance that there is someone else who has written the Note, Wong starts an investigation and she starts with the residence to ‘Jane’ who was the Ex of Harold, In the Jannie Room She found some Glucose bottles on the top of a Cupboard and some other Proofs that indicates that Harold overdosed with Glucose and he was murdered, Police arrests Jane for the Harold Murder.

Wong thought that she has solved the case and they were resting the officer, In all between these Winchester again reminds Wong that, Bottles were Kept on the Top of the Cupboard and there was no way Janie could have reached there, she recently has operation done for her Knees. Wong and Winchester start the investigation again and they go to the Gladdy’s apartment first, when Wong enters the Gladdy flat, they found a masked man inside Gladdy’s house who was attacking Gladdy. He ran away after he saw Wong and Winchester, Wong tries to follow him but she failed, She saw the number of the Car and upon checking, they found out that the Car was registered in the Name of ‘Karen’, Karen is the Building Manager of Janie.


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