The Last Of Us Episode 6 Recap: The Last Of Us, HBO Original Series has been creating ripples in the World Of Television as the Episodes continue to give us more than we can imagine, from great VFX to a storyline that is full of emotions.

Episode 5 had us meet Henry and Sam, two brothers who were trying to escape Kansas City and work with Joel and Ellie but meet a terrible fate. Episode 6 takes Joel and Ellie to the woods where they meet up with someone they were searching for, Tommy.

Here’s the recap of the Full Episode.

Recap & Summary Explained

We see a time jump of 3 months after which Joel and Ellie find themselves in the woods, lost, and find an old couple to ask for directions.

Joel asks him about Tommy but no answer they warn them about the other side of the river if Tommy went there, he is probably dead but Joel and Ellie still go to the other side of the river, also called Death River. They’re met by people on horses aiming guns at them asking if both of them have been infected or near infected and they confirm if through their sniffing dog.

Joel gets cleared but he is afraid for Ellie the dog likes Ellie and she’s cleared. They take Joel and Ellie to their base which turns out to be a little civilization, with schools, laundry, a farm, and whatnot where Joel finds Tommy and the two brothers are finally united.

However, with time we realize that Tommy had left Joel’s side because he had seen Joel do things, murder innocent people when things got bad and he didn’t want to be a part of it anymore so he left. Joel asks for his help to go to the nearest Firefly camp but doesn’t tell him about Ellie and her being immune.

They both have an argument because Tommy seems to have found life there with a wife and a baby on the way. Ellie, on the other side is still as she is, but she gets accompanied by Maria, Tommy’s wife and she gets to know about Sarah, Joel’s daughter. After Joel and Tommy have their argument, Joel feels betrayed and he tells him that he’ll go the next morning.

Tommy comes to Joel while he is fixing his old shoe with a brand-new pair and apologizes for it before. The two talks about their past and Joel tells him about Ellie being immune and how his age is catching up to him and now he is getting weaker.

The road to Colorado, the next Firefly station is far and with obstacles but he cannot do that and get her killed so he asks for Tommy’s help and to do it secretly to which he agrees.

Ellie hears that and the two later have an argument where Ellie brings up Sarah Joel gets angry and tells her that Tommy will be taking her to Colorado and this is where they part ways. Ellie is heartbroken to hear this because anyone she’s ever cared about has either left her or died and Joel is the only person who hasn’t, by now and now he is also leaving her.

However, in the next morning as Tommy takes Ellie to take the horse out for their journey, they meet Joel and Joel gives her a choice with his opinion to go with Tommy but Ellie without skipping a heartbeat takes Joel and the two go out to Colorado.

They reach Colorado University but do not find anything there so they move to the center of the University where they find equipment which meant that doctors were there. However, Joel hears people there and they turn out to be raiders.

The two move fast from the back but Joel is attacked by one of those raiders and gets stabbed in his stomach. He somehow gets on the horse and the two somehow make their way out but on the way, Joel falls from the horse due to bleeding out and faints with Ellie asking him to come back.

It is sufficient to say that the two of them have a lot of problems coming up and that’s what we’ll see in the upcoming Episodes.



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