The Green Glove Gang is a Polish comedy crime thriller series, which follows the story of a gang of three elderly women thieves named Zuza, Kinga, and Alicja. The story follows a heist where their identities are revealed after their latest heist, and they decide to hide out in a private and quiet nursing home so that police do not find out their locations.

The story changes when they decide to heist more and stay at the nursing home so that no one is able to find out. In one of their heists, they encounter a sinister secret place, and they have to face it and be safe with the police.

The Green Glove Gang is filmed entirely in Poland, with the majority in Warsaw, which is situated in Central Europe and is also among the most populated European Union states. The filming begins in Warsaw, and the crew travels across the city to take different scenes against backdrops, and for the interior, they incorporate a nursing home, as shown in the series.

The final filming takes place in east-central Poland, in Warsaw, which is home to more than 60 museums and galleries open to the public. Some of the shots in the series take place in some of the most famous museums, including the Poster Museum, the Museum of the History of Polish Jews, the Museum of the Polish Army, the National Museum, the Warsaw Uprising Museum, and the Zach National Gallery of Art, and filming wrapped in November.



An Engineer By Profession, Moviegeek By Passion. Been Watching and Reviewing Films and Shows From Last 7 Years. Action Movies are in my Blood and Covering the same from last 7 Years.