The Big Door Prize Episode 2 Series Summary & Ending Explained: Apple Original Drama Show, The Big Door Prize is now available on Apple TV in English with English Subtitles, episode 1 was great and now episode 2 is also available to watch.

in this article, I am going to tell you the summary and ending explanation of the second episode of the series ‘The Big Door Prize’ so let’s get started. You can check the first episode recap of The Big Door Prize Episode 1.

The episode begins with Cass doing shopping for Dusty’s birthday with her friend Nat, they were talking and Nat told her about the Morpho machine and asked her to see what her potential is, she used the machine but dose not revel her card in front of them, later in car she opened her car with says “Royalty”.

Now cut to where the first episode ended, Cass was in bed and Dusty returned home disappointed, and he tells everything to her that his card says Teacher, and Cass also showed him her card, he become frustrated by this and told her that it is a total scam. Next morning like everyone Cass also started thinking that one day she will live a royal life, she then drove to Izzy’s(Her Mother) store and they make and sell products like customized T-Shirt, Towels, Mugs and many more. We came to know that Izzy is the Mayor and is divorced from her partner Martha.

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At work Dusty sees that everyone was talking about that machine, and many people started doing research about it, one student says that it is a part of a big plan and they are collecting people’s data, one says that he used the machine three times and always got the same result.

The machine logo was a blue butterfly and according to ancient Greek believe that blue Morpho butterfly can bring messages from future, and can also tell you your fortune. Jacob was not telling anyone what is written in his card, and ran away from there in the forest he found Principal Pat had a very bad accident and was lying on the ground injured he called for help.

Later at that night Dusty with his whole family having his birthday dinner and we see dusty’s mother and father Cary and Eloise announced that they are getting divorced, and we came to know that this is due to that machine as Eloise card says healer and she want to heal herself by solo travelling to Europe, as she is a doctor so dusty says that healer is due to this but she refused to agree on her decision, and Cary’s card says Male Model, so he has signed up with some agency and is now working with them. Then Eloise asked Cass about Europe as she had once gone there for some study purpose, and she gives her a book they talked and the dinner ends.

Dusty was still shocked by the divorce news and said to her wife how the machine has changed everyone’s life, and they argued for some time after that, next day Cass prints a shirt written “ROYALTY” in it and she says to her mom that she will sell all the products by herself. The episode ends with Mr. Johnson taking everyone’s photo with the card and in the end we see Jacob posing with his card written “HERO” on it.



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