Son Of A Critch Season 2 Episode 7 Recap: CBC’s Son Of A Critch is back again with the third Episode this Season after returning for the second Season this year, Episode 5 showed us, Mark, creating his family tree and in hopes of finding out about his maternal grandmother, he ends up discovering a truth about his mother’s past.

Episode 7 gave us not lessons about life but close to home while the whole family is together during a cold night and a blackout, with revelations about each other. If you’re interested in what happened in the Episode, you’re at the right place.

Recap & Summary Explained

The Episode starts off with Mike Senior and Mary’s 20th Anniversary and everyone has plans of their own leaving young Mark with no adult supervision and he has the perfect thing planned, watching Porky’s with Ritchie while every adult will be either out of the house or sleeping like a baby. Ritchie has brought his father’s VHS copy and their plan is full-proof until there’s a rainstorm out there and that too, is a serious one.

The couple who was going on their 20th Anniversary date had suddenly got their plans canceled after their restaurant was closed down. Only Mike Jr was the one not in the house but he was at work, VOCM Radio Station where he and Dick Dumphy had to hold down the fort until it got serious and Mike Jr had to go on air alone after the whole city went on blackout as the power went out in Newfoundland.

The family was scattered in their own ways with Mike Sr, falling on his back when he went out to go to the Radio Station and hurting himself lying on the couch with Mary being sad for not going to go out on the 20th Anniversary with the kids trying to get the tape out of the VHS Player without power to Patrick scaring the kids with his stories about times in the extreme cold until Mary snaps at Mike Sr for being too attached to work.

Mike Sr, realizes that he has been giving all of himself to work and his wife also needs him. He makes his way crawling to get her a present in the house and successfully gives her the present, to Ritchie and Mark getting the tape out.

RecapNot Dead Yet Episode 2: Recap, Summary & Ending Explained

Mark who has been asking questions before just to stall his parents, starts to now ask questions to get to know them and he starts with how did his parents meet and moves on to what did his father do during his time in the army and he got surprised knowing both things until the power comes back on and the family moves back to where it was before.

Mike Jr comes home after a night at the Radio Station playing Porky in front of everyone revealing Mark and Ritchie’s secret plan.



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