Skull Island Netflix Season 2: The anime series presented by Netflix is a spinoff of the movie “Kong: Skull Island,” which was released in 2017. Now, Netflix is presenting it as an anime series because, in the movie, we can see that Kong was not dead.

So, those who are fans of the Monsterverse are waiting for this series. Here, we are going to tell you the release date of the series. Let’s talk about it.

The story of the anime series is set in the 1990s when a group of explorers gets stuck on Skull Island after their ship sinks in the sea. Now, they find themselves trapped on the island with many wild creatures. The story revolves around what happens when Kong spots them. Will he befriend them or attack them? To know this, you have to wait for the series to be released.

The series is going to be released on Netflix on June 22, 2023, and it will consist of a total of eight episodes.

Talking about the voice cast, Charlie is voiced by Nicolas Cantu, Charlie’s friend Mike is voiced by Darren Barnet, Annie is voiced by Mae Whitman, and there are many other supporting voice cast members.

Now jumping to season 2 of the show, As of now There is no Announcement regarding it, But by looking at the buzz of the show, It is evident that the show will be renewed for sure. If everything goes well, You can expect the new season by 2024.



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