Secret Invasion Episode 4 Recap: Marvel Studios Presents a Six-episodic Superhero series ” Secret Invasion” which is currently streaming now in Hotstar with one episode, others will come on a weekly basis.

In this article, we are going to discuss a recap of episode 4. Before starting the recap let’s know the quick overview of the series. The series is set in the Present day, where Nick Fury joins Maria Hill & Talos to prevent the secret Invasion of Skrulls to save the people of the earth.

Episode 3 Ended in a very tragedic way. There we know about Gravik’s plan, luckily Fury & Talos stopped his plan. But wait, that’s not the end Gravik planned this just recognized the Mole of their group, and he find out G’iah. So, really G’iah died? & with whom is Priscilla actually talking on the phone? Let’s know everything in this episode.

After Gravik shoot G’iah fans were too much disappointed. But, that wasn’t the end of G’iah. Luckily She finds out about the secrets experiment from Gravik’s Lab. She used it and that helped her. After being shot, she recovered and is now completely fine & back with more superpowers.

Paris 2012, Nick went into a Bar to meet his beloved one Priscilla Fury. That time she have faith in him as she knew Fury used to help America by Avengers. A romantic date that shows the past of Nick Fury & Priscilla and how they trust and loved each other. She holds his hand and assures him that she will always be by his side. Then what happened later that such a distance was created between them & Priscilla joined with Gravik?

Let’s back to the present, Priscilla waiting at St.James Church As per the man invited her to meet. That man is no one but James Rhodes himself. Rhodes confessed that he fires Nick, not President Ritson. Not only that Rhodes also clarified that, he is the one who ordered Priscilla to kill Fury. Rhodes was trying to kill Nick behind his back.

Nick hears all discussions between them by an audio-capturing device but the pairing person is still unknown. Priscilla said Fury is weak now, so no need to kill him. From here we can get a clear idea that This Rhodes isn’t actually James Rhodes he may be a Skrull, and soon it will be confirmed too. When Priscilla denied to kill Nick, Rhodes wasn’t happy in her decision, he said her that something worse will be happened if she disobeys his order.

In the other scene, Gravik is on an airbase. Where Pagon suspect something as G’iah isn’t present with them. Gravik clarified she was a mole, so he took care of her. After that, He ordered his team to make the attack as big as Russia does. So, Gravik is already ready for his second plan, where he is planning for some attack in the way Russian armies do. As he wants to make a blame game between the two countries which can make a Third World war.

G’iah met her dad Talos. Her dad feels regret for involving his daughter in this mess. But G’iah assured him that whatever she is doing is her own decision. Now she is with her dad, all she wants is Talo’s plan. She requested her dad because, on the other side, Gravik is already implementing his plan. Talos said, first they need to take down the insurgency, then they will go to President and request him to allow Skrulls to live in this world. But G’iah isn’t happy with his Dad’s plan and left that place.

Priscilla backed into her home and found that Nick is already there. At the tea table, Nick accepted choosing her was his greatest mistake as he already knew that she is planning to kill him. Nick & Priscilla both placed their guns on the Table. Then Nick asked her how she chose this track. Priscilla said Dr.Prisilla Davis had a congenital Heart attack, she make it secret as she doesn’t want her beloved ones to look her dying in the hospital. Priscilla used to meet her in the hospital. The actual reason why she used to meet with that patient was to shapeshift into her body .

A tense moment between them ended with a fire from both sides. But no one was hurt as the bullet went to the wall. This proved they believe each other and are afraid to kill each other. After that conversation, Nick said her to be safe from Gravik. Priscilla assured him that she will be in shape. Then their ways are separated.

Later we see a Skrull is in the shower. That Skrull was no one but Rhodes himself. So, it’s proved now, whoever was talking with Priscilla in the church isn’t the actual James Rhodes. He found Nick in his apartment. Nick offered his favorite drink to Rhodes. Nick also indirectly indicates him as a Skrull and that moment he Blackmailed Nick Fury by showing him that attack happened in the first episode. He left that place but secretly implemented a liquid location tracker in Rhodes’s drink.

Later Rhodes met with President Ritson who came for England visit. Rhodes immediately signals Gravik to attack on Ritson. While Ritson is going to his destination with full security, Gravik & his team attack Them. Fury & Talos reached that warzone. A high-octane attack scene also revealed Gravik’s secret power, clarified his DNA is actually mixed up by Groot’s DNA. Nick & Talos want to save Ritson from that Killzone otherwise a World War can happen.

But Pagon fired a bullet on Talos shoulder, still, he was trying to save the president to stop the war. Nick is Rescued president and a soldier takes Talos to rescue him. But hang on, this rescue mission isn’t ended well. As that Soldier was noone but Gravik himself, he killed Talos in front of Nick Furry. Nick fired Gravik but his special healing power recovered Gravik.

That’s how Episode 4 ended. This is the shortest episode so far but full of surprises. Nick left Talos’s dead body in that warzone and left that place along with President Ritson. This time the question is, is Talos really dead? Or was it also a lie? Yes, it is. Now, G’iah maybe takes the path of revenge. This series now getting more interesting as we also noticed Gravik has a power like Groot! This is the biggest reveal yet.

So far this episode shows the chemistry between Nick & Priscilla and also Talos & her daughter G’iah. But it ended up with A big loss. Nick somehow saved the president which prevented for a world war. But what will happen after G’iah came to know about his father’s death as we saw she also used the secret power from the lab. How is she gonna use it? Let’s see what will gonna happen next episode.

Til then you can watch four episodes of ” Secret Invasion” streaming now on Disney plus Hotstar along with Hindi, and English audio.

Also Read: Secret Invasion Episode 5: Release Date, Preview, Spoilers, What to Expect?


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