Orban Ottoman Actor Name and More: Tansu Bicer Played the Character Of Orban In the Recently Released Netflix Documentary Action Series Rise Of Empires Ottoman.

Tansu Bicer Is a 44 years Old Turkish Actor He Started His Journey In the Industry In 2000 Till 4 years He was doing Theatre And He Got His First Venture Which was Her Set Yolanda In That He played the Character Of Eser.

He Graduated from karsuyaka Semikler High School In Izmir He completed his studies in Anadolu university state conservatory With a degree In Theatre Studies. Then he started working in the Theatre. His Life Taken A Big Turn When He won the 49th Golden Orange Film Festival Award For Best Supporting Actor. For the movie Kuf Which was released in 2012.

His Documentary Show Rise Of Empires Ottoman Got 2 successful seasons The first was released In the Year 2020 and 2nd Season Recently Streamed On Netflix Before This He Appeared In Midnight at the pera palace where he played Ahmet.



I’m Mohit, a passionate Cinebuff writer and IT student with a knack for storytelling. I love using my skills to create engaging and informative content that helps people discover new movies and shows and learn more about the industry. When I’m not writing, I’m usually coding or playing video games.