Onimusha Episode 1: Netflix series ‘Onimusha’ is now available to watch on Netflix with 8 Episodes. The episodes are available in Hindi, English, and some more dubbed versions along with subtitles. Here goes the recap and ending Explanation of the episodes.

Episode 1 of the show starts with a fight sequence where we get to see a man fighting with a group of 10-12 people, and with his great skills, he finally manages to defeat all of them. An old man was also watching all of this, and after the fight, he handed over some boxes to that man and asked him to return after 33 days. Later on, we get to know that the man’s name is ‘Musashi Miyamoto,’ and he is from a nearby village.

The old monk hands over to him a weapon named ‘Oni Gauntlet,’ which is a superpower, and ‘Musashi’ takes that weapon to save his villagers from the demon. The old monk also sends a person named ‘Kaizen’ along with ‘Musashi’ to look after the ‘Oni Gauntlet.’

Kaizen, along with the box, starts moving toward the village with ‘Musashi Miyamoto,’ and there we get to see some friends of ‘Musashi Miyamoto,’ and they also join them. When Kaizen asks more about Musashi, he gets to know that ‘Musashi Miyamoto’ is one of the greatest sword fighters of all time, and he has some exceptional skills. We also get to know that ‘Musashi Miyamoto’ is fighting with a demon named ‘Lemon.’

They all take a halt to rest, and ‘Musashi Miyamoto’ sees a tattoo on the hands of a man named ‘Matsuki,’ and Musashi Miyamoto then gets to know that he is from the enemies’ group and is spying on them. Matsuki and Musashi Miyamoto fight with each other, and within the blink of an eye, Musashi Miyamoto kills Matsuki.

Before anyone can understand anything, Musashi Miyamoto tells that there is one more traitor in the group, and he throws a burning wood toward Gensai. The very next second, Gensai changes into a demon like this, and his tongue becomes huge, and he attacks with it. Musashi Miyamoto was not able to get rid of him as Gensai was super powerful.

Kaizen activates the powerful weapon, and with the help of that, Musashi Miyamoto kills Gensai into pieces, and episode 1 ends here.

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The show starts on a good note, and we get to see the powerful Musashi Miyamoto and his motives in the first episode itself. Now it will be interesting to see how the episode goes and how that powerful weapon is going to help Musashi Miyamoto in eliminating the demons from his village.

This was all about the Onimusha Episode 1. What are your thoughts on this? Please let us know in the comments. For more news and updates, stay tuned with us.



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