One Ranger movie summary and ending explained: The latest crime thriller is streaming now on Amazon Prime. In this article, I am going to tell you the summary and ending of the movie. So, without wasting any time, let’s get started.

The movie begins with Alex Tyree, who catches a horse and sniper thief sleeping in the desert. He gave the thief two options: whether he wants to come in handcuffs or on a horse, meaning he wants to go alive or dead. But then he receives a message on the radio that four thieves are running in an off-road vehicle with automatic weapons who have killed three officers. As soon as they reached Alex’s range, he shot their vehicle with his rifle from a distance and damaged their engine.

The next morning, when he wakes up in his house with his wife, he sees that two agents from special forces are in his house. We came to know that he is recommended by the intelligence unofficially to track down and kill the terrorists and to protect London from a terrorist attack.

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Next, we see Declan, the main robber, was able to flee successfully from their territory, but the police returned him to Alex. On the way when they were taking Declan with them, they got attacked by his partners, and after a small fight, Alex finds himself in a hospital.

Next, American special agent Jennifer Smith gives Alex Declan’s bio, and we came to know that he is a terrorist and has a very dangerous past. Now, they believe that he is in London planning his next move, so Jennifer asks Alex to help her. He agrees to help her as he also wants to take revenge on their partner’s death, but they are unaware of Declan’s most deadly plan.

Now, they are in London, they meet with Angel, who is very close to Declan, and Jennifer asks her about his location in exchange she demands three of her men free from prison with one-year citizenship. Angel gives them an address, and they go to the location. There they find Oleg Jakovenko, who is one of Delcan’s workers. Agent Geddes had instructed Alex earlier that he is going there just as an observer, and he can’t use any weapon there, but this rule gets broken as he fights with Oleg. However, Oleg manages to escape from them.

The Ending

Next, when Alex and Jennifer are having coffee at a place, Declan’s man comes there to kill Alex, but luckily Jennifer sees them and saves him from getting shot, and they escape from there. However, Jennifer gets hurt during this. Next, they get intel that Oleg with his men is staying in a hotel, and Alex goes to his room to confront him, but they get into a fight again, and after the fight, Oleg manages to escape from there, hurting Jennifer again.

Now we come to know about Declan’s plan. He is trying to attack the parliament of the country and talking to his boss Mr. Kashmiri, who tells him to hold his plan because he wants to negotiate with the government, but Declan doesn’t listen to him.

Meanwhile, Alex and Jennifer with the forces reached there and are surrounding the building in which he has set up his weapon. We came to see yet another fight between Alex and Oleg, and this time finally he manages to kill Oleg. Next, the FBI shoots the building with a rocket launcher, killing everyone, but Declan manages to survive and escape from there, and Alex goes back to his town.

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But after some days, he receives a call from Jennifer, which tells him about Declan’s secret location, which is near him in the desert, and this time Alex manages to catch him, and the movie ends.



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