Ishura” is a twelve-episodic dark anime series adapted from the best-selling manga . Five episodes of this anime are currently streaming now in Disney plus Hotstar (India) & Hulu ( outside India).

In this article we are gonna discuss when the next episode of ” Ishura” will release. But hold on, before we start the discussion let’s have a quick recap of the story of this anime . The anime shows the world situation after The Demon king died. Heros from around the world are gathering together to prove their power on the other side the lone hero who defeated the Demon King is also to be found soon.

Previous Episode: “Ishura” Episode 5 Recap and Explained

The fift episode was a good one. It shows more about “Higuare: The Pelagic”. HIGUARE is basically a Mandrake who knows to use a sword. In the era of a demon king, a man kidnapped him & instructed that he should kill or die. Higuera was too innocent to understand the meaning, all he did was keep his fight. One by one his opponent’s level increased & at the end, he was surrounded by the army of The Demon King.

Those dead Armies are ruthless & Higuare started to swing his sword. He used 42 arms or we can say branch at a time to attack the enemy.

In from of General Taren, he shows his power by cutting down a appale in little pieces which was actually thrown by Dakai. With Higuare,” Shalk: The sound Slicer” also met with Taren. Shalk is a skeleton who is a mercenary .

That’s not the end we also saw Kuze a old man who can feel the angel. He also carry an angel with him, who protects him from any danger. The angel is known as “Nautique: The quiet singer”. Who is an invisible and a stabber . She can kill anyone with any visibility. Kuze thinks that angels have also hearts but they are alone. So, he became friend with ” Nastique”.

We also saw ” Nahilo: the Vortical Stampede”. Her ruthless power is really amazing. Though this episode didn’t reveal about her history. We maybe see next time.

That’s how this episode ended. nothing special so far. It’s still on character introduction which is going on from episode 1. But, it will be interesting when we see the faceoff. As of now episode 5 also okish. We have to wait more .

Episode 5 ended with another two-character introduction. now, we have to wait more for the next episode. The next episode of ” Ishura” will release on next Wednesday which is 7th February ay 7.30 PM IST.

Episodes of ” Ishura” is coming weekly. So, episode 6 will come on next Wednesday at 7:30 PM sharp. Till then you can re-watch five episodes of “Ishura” which is currently streaming now in Disney plus hotstar with Japanese language along with subtitles.


Love To Watch, Explain and Decode Films and Shows Since 2014. Chemical Engineer By Degree Cinephile by Choice. I Love to Watch Anime and Games Related shows.