Fake Profile Episode 3: The third episode of the series started where it left off. The episode starts at the end of the last episode. We saw that Camila is now the new neighbor of Fernando with her fake husband, David, whom she has appointed as her driver for work. In this article, we are going to give you the ending of the third episode.

Before we begin, please note that this article contains heavy spoilers. If you want to watch the episode first, you can do so. For the rest of you, let’s get started.

Also Read: Fake Profile Episode 2 Recap And Ending Explained

The episode begins with Pedro Ferrer and his daughter, Angela, appreciating Lucas’ decision to set up cameras in every corner of the house because he doesn’t trust his dad. Lucas was previously caught having an affair with a neighbor, so this time he will be spying on him. The next morning, Fernando visits Camila and asks her to leave the house. He also offers her money to leave, but she is still not ready to go.

We then learn that Fernando has uploaded her personal video to a website, which she had sent to him personally. However, he claims that no one has seen the video. Now she wants to know more about it, so David and Camila start pretending to be a fake couple and begin searching for information about him.

The next day, while they are meeting outside, a friend of Fernando recognizes Camila. This friend has seen her personal video. Meanwhile, Camila’s ex-boyfriend Vicente keeps calling her, but she is ignoring his calls. What could be the reason for this, and why did they break up?

The Ending

Angela invites Camila and her husband David to have lunch. While Angela invites Camila to swim, Camila, while changing clothes in Fernando’s room, searches his room for more information and finds a card. Later, while they are swimming, Fernando’s son Lucas confronts Camila, asking her how long she has been sleeping with his dad, but she doesn’t respond. After they return home, Camila wants to know why Fernando was in Vegas, as he had told her that he was there for an important meeting.

In the night, while she is sleeping, a masked man enters her house. When he is leaving, he accidentally drops a lamp, waking Camila up. However, he is gone by the time she wakes up. He meets Fernando outside, and after talking for a short time, due to a mistake by Camila, they end up getting back together.

In the end, we see Lucas watching all this, and upon seeing his dad, he attempts suicide. Luckily, his mother comes in and saves him, but she has also seen the video of them making out. The episode ends there.



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