Consecration is an American supernatural horror thriller drama film, written by Laurie Cook and directed by Christopher Smith. This movie follows the story of a woman who is a convert on the Isle, where she finds the truth about her priest brother and discovers that he was behind the murder, among other details we see in this film.

Whereas in this article, I will give a proper ending explanation of this film, where we see that I will try to break down the ending and clear up all doubts about this film.

As the story moves along, we see that Grace and her brother had lost both parents at an early age; we learn that her father killed his wife, and after that, both siblings moved to the orphanage, where we meet a new character named Michael, whose life is totally different and who is fully devoted to God; she finds that she should help people with the method of science; and we see that her brother died and she started an investigation.

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After that, we see that the people believed that her brother hurt people, but she didn’t believe in anyone as she thought that her brother was good. She later moved to Scotland, where she believed in the dream. Where we see that the priest arrives to investigate from Houston where he tries to find the truth of the investigation. They meet a detective, and he helps them find the people to get the truth.

Scene shifts, where we see that Grace is trying to find the truth, where it is recognized that she is the relic, where Harris plans to stop her, but she doesn’t believe in anyone, where they can’t find the truth about her, and where her mother takes her to the convent, where they find the Mother Superior, where her mother believes that Grace is about to kill herself.

Atlantis, we see that she is comforted by the Mother Superior, who pulls a gun to stop her where she is the guardian angel and there are two versions of her, and now she is the relic who always tries to find the truth and she is able to find it, and the film ends.

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This is all about the ending explanation of this film, in which we see the truth about Grace and more, which will clear your doubt. Besides that, let me know in the comment box how much you like this film.



An Engineer By Profession, Moviegeek By Passion. Been Watching and Reviewing Films and Shows From Last 7 Years. Action Movies are in my Blood and Covering the same from last 7 Years.